Archive for August 4th, 2007

A Gentlemen’s Duel.

Blur Studio presents A Gentlemen’s Duel. Two men vying for the attentions of a lady. A love story? Hardly. Just wait til they pull out the giant steampunk robots! Push play or go to Daily Motion....

Great Perseids.

Got a calendar? Circle this date: Sunday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "all night" and "Meteors!" Attach the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2007 Perseid meteor shower. "I...

Alien Radio Station

To find out how an alien radio station looks like, you don't have to travel some to Alpha Centauri, just go to Krakow, Poland and visit the headquarters of RMF Radio. Link - via Gizmodo...

China's Largest Public Toilets

The Chinese are at it again! This time they have unveiled what could be the world’s largest bathroom - a 4-storey building with over 1,000 toilets spread out over out over 32,290 square feet! Some urinals a...

Wieliczka Salt Mine

The Erazm Baracz Chamber in the Wieliczka Salt Mine, PolandThe Last Supper carved in rock-salt, in the St. Kinga's Chapel, Wieliczka Salt Mine(Photo: Adam Kumiszcza, Wikipedia)The Wieliczka Salt Mine near Krakow, Poland,...

David Blaine, the Sequel.

Neatorama reader Tori alerted us to the sequel to David Blaine's Street Magic parody (the first one here). See it or he'll make you piss orange soda: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Tori! ...

Sideways Room

A couple of years ago, LiveJournal users zestyping and metamouse created this awesome sideways room - and lived to tell about it!Link - via how to do stuff and OKfuture...

South African Braai Etiquette

South Africans are serious about braaing [braai = barbecue]. It's so serious there's even a hierarchy - first the tong master, then the boerie layer, and finally the fork pronger...

The Visual Dictionary

The Visual Dictionary is a collaborative project to collect photographs of words in the real world. People can sign up and send in photographs of words, be it signage, graffiti, advertising, tattoos, etc. http://w...

100+ Tools for Flickr

Mashable, who previously posted the Online Media God - The 400+ List, has now put together a list with 100+ tools for the photo sharing and management website Flickr. Link...

Squirrels injured in plane crash.

A plane crashed and caught on fire near the Ft. Lauderdale airport. The three occupants walked away uninjured, but two squirrels on the ground suffered burns and broken bones. They were taken to the local Wildlife Care C...

Nanalan' Guys Surprised Own Nana with a Song

Neatorama reader Jamie Shannon wrote to us:This is my Nana. One day she came on set and we surprised her by singing a song from our preschool television series inspired by her called "Nanalan'" The series t...

Parents Had 17th Child: Someone Get Him an iPhone!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar welcomed the newest addition to their family: their 17th - seventeenth! - child. And after Jennifer Danielle was born Thursday morning, her parents already were talking about having more...

Salt Hotel in Bolivia

This building, a hotel in a remote Bolivian salt desert, is constructed solely of salt blocks!The hotel, seen above on July 14, is among a handful constructed solely of salt blocks on the white plains of the Salar de...

Haiku For You

Haiku For You is a collaborative Internet art project where users submit stories which are then turned into a "visual" haiku.This one above is the Howard Dean haiku, which inspired by a story submission by Erin...

Fujiya & Miyagi's Ankle Injuries - Animated with Dice

This is a neat music video, called Ankle Injuries, from the English band Fujiya & Miyagi, where the "ASCII"-styled animation was done with hundreds and hundreds of dice. (CGI? Hand-done like Honda's amazing...

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