Amazing Levitation of a Cult Leader

If Chris Angel can levitate, then so can Shoko Asahara, the cult leader of Aum Shinrikyo crazies in Japan:

He came to public notice through an article in the popular "Twilight Zone" magazine that showed him supposedly levitating in a yoga pose. Yoga exponents had practiced the technique, which consisted of flexing the thigh muscles to imitate levitation, for centuries.

Links: Article on Aum Shinrikyo by Patrick Bellamy at Crime Library (also photo source) | Wikipedia article

Doug Henning, the late hippie magician who was very popular on TV in the 80s, fell in with Marharishi Yogi and a bunch of loons that practised "yogic flying".

They hopped around the studio looking foolish claiming they could develop their 'power' to be able to fly.

It was a real shame he wasted his talents the last decade of his life getting wrapped up with the bunch and stopped performing....
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The real Yogic Fliers are going to be mad that he is stealing their gig. They run for political office up here during Canadian elections and if they ever get into government they might declare a transcendentally peaceful military action against Japan if they don't turn Shoko Asahara over. Nice to see that the poison gas freak is looking so well. He seems to have traded in this P.J.s for a swimsuit and the butt bouncing seems like good exercise.
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