Archive for July 2007

Summer Spirits.

Pink Tentacle links to a creepy, but very artistic, collection of Japanese ghosts in the spirit of the season:Japan [has a] centuries-old tradition of swapping ghost stories [in the summer]. Some argue that the fear...

The Cubes

Tired of being bossed around at work? Now you can be the boss of this tiny office: Finally, the drudgery of corporate life has been captured in a play set for adults! The Cubes™ spend eight hours a day, five da...

Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps

Here's a fantastic set of scans from Kees Boeke's 1957 book Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps. We have Mitchell Charity to thank for having this copy of a fantastic book online: Kees Boeke's Cosmic View is a clas...

A Spectrum of Guinea Pigs!

So, this is a spectrum of some of the colors of guinea pigs: cream, saffron, buff, Pink Eye Gold, Dark Eye Gold, and red. They're all cute! Found at bivoir [Flickr]...

World's Largest Revolver

You're looking at what probably is the largest revolver in the world: a replica of Remington model 1859, by Mr. Ryszard Tobys. It's 1.26 meter (4.13 ft.) long.Link...

Cute Japanese Snowplow Robot

We've seen the Japanese Robotic Dead Body Remover before, here's something more "mundane": Yuki-taro, an autonomous snowplow robot. It "eats" snow, and craps out "hard blocks" as it goes alo...


The SkyScout is a revolutionary handheld device that uses advanced GPS technology with point and click convenience to identify thousands of stars, planets, constellations and more. Simply point the SkyScout at a...

Long eggs?

Bunk Strutts at Say No To Crack explains where these “long eggs” come from. Why, from long chickens, of course! “Yep they’re longer, bigger hens. But we don’t raise ‘em for t...

Getting to school the hard way.

Children of the Nujiang Great Canyon in China must cross a river to get to school, but there is no bridge. Instead, they harness themselves to a loop and cross on a rope suspended between trees on either side! Link...

Teh Deth Kitteh.

Apelad posted this panel of the Laugh Out Loud Cats at Hobotopia in response to Oscar, the death-predicting cat. Link -via Boing Boing...

Desperate Whitehouse Wives.

In this mental_floss article, find out which First Lady sold manure to cover her debts, which was suspected of murder, and which one was (surprisingly) the first one to sport gray hair while living in the White House....

Food Design.

Marti Guixe designs many things, including food. Food Design makes possible to think in food as an edible designed product, an object that negates any reference to cooking, tradition and gastronomy. For exa...


A Metallica tribute harp band? Ashley Lancz Toman and Patricia Kline are each accomplished harpists who collaborated on 10 Metallica cover songs for the CD Harptallica. You can hear the songs and see a video a...

Cat Predicts Patients' Deaths.

Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to...

Flying car.

The M200G Volantor is a two-passenger flying saucer produced by Moller International. It can take off and land vertically, fly ten feet above ground at up to 50 mph, and carry 250 pounds. The company is taking deposits...

Difference Engine with a Difference.

BBC News reports:The blueprint for a tiny, ultra-robust mechanical computer has been outlined by US researchers. The energy-efficient nano computer is inspired by ideas about computing first put forward nearly 2...

Stop War Shadow Grafitti

Spotted in Bloomington, Indiana, is this creative grafitti protesting the war. Way better than those ubiquitous "Stop Hammer Time" stickers:The piece itself is was stenciled on the floor using a shadow cast...

Masters of the Modern

It’s almost impossible to talk about modern art without tipping your hat to these greats. Here are the masters who gave birth to the modern.1. Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)Les demoiselles d'avignon (1907)...

Artistic Tanks

Photo: Rusty BakerArtistic Tanks website has neat photos of "modded" oil, propane, and water tanks - this one, the Yellow Submarine tank, is spotted in Holmes County, Ohio.

Web 2.0: Wisdom and Dumbness of Crowds

Web 2.0 has been all the rage on the InterWeb (for you not-in-the-know, web 2.0 [wiki] is a buzzword for web-based communities or user-created contents)Kathy Sierra of Creating Passionate Users blog had a post a while ag...

Mating Behavior of Banana Slugs

Yes, that is a slug penis.UC Santa Cruz Graduate Brooke Miller studies the unusual mating behavior of banana slugs (which happens to be the mascot of UCSC!):So what is so interesting about banana slugs!? Well, these...

Funny Business Name: WTF

(Image Credit: walkah [Flickr])Continuing our previous post of weird business name, here's WTF Group!...

The Cosmic Calendar.

The history of the cosmos condensed into a single Earth Year. Narrated by Carl Sagan. Push play or go to YouTube. -via Educated Earth...

The Sun Loses Its Spots.

This picture from NASA's SOHO satellite show the Sun with almost no solar activity (sunspots). In the coming weeks, scientists will be closely watching the sun for signs of new sunspots, indicating that it is beginn...

Beached limosine.

Maybe San Francisco isn’t the best place for a stretch limosine. This isn’t the first time it’s happened; there are more pictures. -via Reddit...


BoingBoing linked to a very funny video from a show in the UK called Fonejacker where an English comedian called Kayvan Novak makes a prank phone call to an electronics store, pretending to be a foreigner who calls DVD...

Trouble ahead.

If I saw this in real life, or even in a video, I’d shut my eyes (and hold my breath). I think it may be an insurance ad. -via Bits and Pieces...

Musical instruments that play themselves.

Dark Roasted Blend has a fascinating roundup of all kinds of automated musical instruments, homemade and historic, robotic and artistic. Link...

Cat adopts chicks.

A one-year-old Jordanian cat named Nimra has a litter of four kittens and seven chicks! The cat took over the chicks after the mother hen died. Link -via Fark...

Fruit Powered Clock.

A digital clock and calendar powered by food! This fruit powered digital clock and calendar combines micro-electronic technology with the natural electrical potential of a fresh fruit or vegetable. The Fruit Clock...


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