Ingmar Bergman Dies at 89

The Swedish legendary film-maker Ingmar Bergman has died at the age of 89.

Link [BBC]

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Thanks 'GeekAlerts'. :)

Although, it is sort of funny in a dark-humor kind of way, that just below this announcment of death (and under the add, of course), is this:

"New here? More *fun stuff* at homepage. If you like this post, please consider:.."

FUN stuff?! oi!
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I was about to make a funny comment on the un-neatness of obituaries, because it would create another "neat" controversy... but I was a post too late ;))

Anyway, the guy was neat, its creations are neat. Got your point Alex.
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Yeah, this is news. People like him. But is it really "neat" ? I come to this blog to see funny, strange, interesting, etc... stuff. Being told people die isn't really all that neat to me (Unless, I guess, it's a strange story, like a Darwin award exerpt, or some guy who survived 15 lightning strikes in 1 year dies by slipping on spilled suntan lotion).

Forgive me if I sound crazy here. I just dont think 'normal' (or even celebrity) obituary notices are fit for 'neat-o-rama'.
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