Bacon Salt

Ah, bacon. The culinary Bondo of the Western world....

Because everything should taste like bacon, Justin and Dave created Bacon Salt, a vegetarian and kosher (yes, really!) salt flavored to taste like the real thing.

Link - Thanks Shihui!

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Mine showed up today it is pretty awesome. Cannot wait till I can get 5 gal buckets as SAM's

Think uber powered mini bacon bits with seasoning.

It is proof a higher power loves us and wants us to be happy.
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these things have been out before they were genius, there was a salt and vinniger one, a chicken (and im not sure if there was something else with it). i must find these again and post links
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Chris -
You are confusing Red 40 (a.k.a. Red AC) with "carmine" a coloring that comes from the cochineal. Carmine is sometimes called "Red 4" (not Red 40) which is probably the source of the confusion.

Anyhow, eat up! That Red 40 comes from coal tar and no bugs were harmed in making it!

Straight talk from Sid
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