Archive for July 29th, 2007

The Simpsons: Out of Africa.

Where better to find artisans to carve the Simpsons than a continent most famous for fancifully distorted sculptures of the human head -- like the byeri head above? (The one on the left.) The BBC reports on skilled Afric...

Get a Perfect Smile in Minutes!

If you are like millions of women (or men I guess) who are self conscious about your smile, now you can have a perfect smile in only minutes, with the Beauty Smile Trainer. Just place the rubber trainer in your mout...

The Wild East

Between 1907 and 1914, Russian photographer Sergey Ivanovich Borisov went on an expedition across the Altay Mountains on the Russian-Mongolian frontier. The images he captured would later turn up as colorized post car...

Most Interesting Bridges.

Guest blogger Joshua Hill has posted an article about bridges at Dark Roasted Blend. It’s not a list of world records or new designs, but several bridges that have interesting stories, such as the Gateshead Mill...

Little People

Etsy seller Kezzaroo is selling these handmade, felt plush toys she called "Little People". She's a bit obsessed with The A Team, as you can see. Please go on and check pit my favourite one: William Wallace, co...

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