Flying car.

The M200G Volantor is a two-passenger flying saucer produced by Moller International. It can take off and land vertically, fly ten feet above ground at up to 50 mph, and carry 250 pounds. The company is taking deposits from the first customers. Link -via J-Walk Blog

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10 feet?? More like 10 inches.

Its a hovercraft. And a badly designed one at that.

Moller is a bottom-feeder taking investors money for nearly 30 years with the help of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazine and any reporter that wants a "flying car" story (no matter that his claims of 350mph on less than 1/10th the true horsepower needed or other hogwash.)

He's a scammer as thankfully others have metioned and should have been jailed by the SEC decades ago...
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Too true, Roger. Moeller has to be running the biggest scam of the century. He usually comes up with a big press release like this when money is tight... get a few more "investors" to jump in. Then some glitch will keep actual deliveries from happening. There have been a number of investigations by the feds; I'm surprised he hasn't been shut down by now.
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Moller has been pushing this (much desired) flying car for...decades. Apparently his operation is always a million short on investment and just needs some money to go into production. Awhile back, one of the prototypes (the only one?) was on eBay for over $ didn't sell.
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