The SkyScout is a revolutionary handheld device that uses advanced GPS technology with point and click convenience to identify thousands of stars, planets, constellations and more.
Simply point the SkyScout at a...
Bunk Strutts at Say No To Crack explains where these “long eggs†come from. Why, from long chickens, of course!
“Yep they’re longer, bigger hens. But we don’t raise ‘em for t...
Marti Guixe designs many things, including food.
Food Design makes possible to think in food as an edible designed product, an object that negates any reference to cooking, tradition and gastronomy.
For exa...
A Metallica tribute harp band? Ashley Lancz Toman and Patricia Kline are each accomplished harpists who collaborated on 10 Metallica cover songs for the CD Harptallica. You can hear the songs and see a video a...
The M200G Volantor is a two-passenger flying saucer produced by Moller International. It can take off and land vertically, fly ten feet above ground at up to 50 mph, and carry 250 pounds. The company is taking deposits...
Photo: Rusty BakerArtistic Tanks website has neat photos of "modded" oil, propane, and water tanks - this one, the Yellow Submarine tank, is spotted in Holmes County, Ohio.