MultiCam, Now That's Camouflage!

We've seen examples of funny military camouflage before, here's an actually brilliant one: MultiCam by Crye Precision.

You can see just how effective the camouflage is: there is a guy slightly left to the middle of the picture above. This is actually one of the easiest to pick out - there are photos where you just can't see the guy.

The company's website has a neat gallery where you can play "Where's Waldo."

Mr. Pratwick has learned 'how not to be seen.' He could be anywhere of a hundred places in the scene. Mr. Pratwick, please wave to the camera....

Mr. Pratwick had not learned the second rule of 'how not to be seen,' never wave.
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The best disguise I can remember is when Johnny Cochraine pulled that black knit hat over his head during his grandstanding during the O.J. Simpson trial. That was too funny! "I'm just Johnnie Cochran in a hat!"
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My own tests with Multicam have shown that it is not so hot after all. Check the link I posted with this comment for my own pictures.

That picture does not look anything like multicam. The uniform must have been augmented with pigmentation from the local soil or something to match so well. I've seen a number of other "miracle" photos of Multicam. I've got a set of these, and I'm here to tell you it's not a lot better than the Army ACU pattern in my neck of the woods.
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