Meet Adora Svitak, a 9-year-old child prodigy who types 70 words per minute, reads 2 to 3 books per day, and writes historical fiction, fantasy adventure and contemporary fictions. She has written 300 short stories so far. Oh, and she writes poems too.
From a Good Morning America interview with Diane Sawyer:
She may be small, but she has big ideas, and, thanks to writing, she has the means to express them. At an age when most kids are still eking out simple sentences; Adora is staggeringly prolific. Her grasp of grammar, structure and syntax would be considered advanced in most high school classrooms, and her complex and intriguing plots lead readers to wonder what else Adora has up her sleeve. Hearing a seven-year-old casually use words like ‘fatalistic' and ‘immolate' is so startling, it's almost humorous, but once you get used to it, it's easy to slip into a conversation about books or politics and forget that the person you are talking to rides a bike with training wheels and sleeps with a stuffed bear.
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