Science Can Now Enlarge Breasts Using Belly Fat.


Having cured cancer and all other ailments of the world, scientists turned their attention to breast-enlargement:

Scientists say they can create a fat mixture with concentrated stem cells, which, when injected into the breast, apparently encourages tissue to grow. [...]

The procedure - dubbed Celution - could be carried out in an hour.

Fat from the either the stomach, bottom or thigh can be taken out with a standard liposuction procedure, and the stem cells then extracted.

These cells are placed into a cartridge ready for injection one hour later. The company says the breasts will then fill out over the course of six months.

Link - Thanks David R!

The image is from a 1930 Soviet poster promoting breast care:

"Are you taking care of your breasts? Harden your nipples with daily washing in cold water"

Really, I didn't make it up.

Um, we haven't cured cancer yet.
There is an immunisation against a particular sexually transmitted virus that is the main cause of cervical cancer, but that's hardly a cure.
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A. The will NEVER be a cure for cancer due to MONEY. Treatment always brings in more money than cure.

B. Although some ladies that have medical need to fix breast problems/issues, most are enlarged for pure vanity. Women love to blame men, but that isn't really true. I'm a butt and leg guy! :)
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that's also the reason they make cars to break down so auto repair shops can stay in business

never be a cure for cancer due to money? what about the companies that are ONLY looking for a cure? a cure is worth a shit ton more than a treatment.

a) how much would you pay for a cure if you got cancer?

b)people like jimbo need to tink a lil mo.
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OMG a 1930 illustration where 7 pixels look darker and could be interpreted as a nipple. My eyes! My eyes! They are burning! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg! I said the word "nipple" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg!

The world is crazy indeed.
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