Jay Leno Inhaled "Anti-Helium"

We've posted about sulfur hexafluoride [wiki] gas a while ago, so it's a nice surprise to see it featured on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Here's a funny clip of Leno inhaling the "anti-helium"

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Algonkin!

It's still not-toxic though, dumbass.

Obviously breathing something other than oxygen (or not having any intake of oxygen by not breathing anything at all) for a significant period of time will result in death by asphyxiation, but thats... what? Ten minutes or so?

Toxic means poisonous. Russell is stupid. =)
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i r not stoopid, psamathe!

Yes, it's non-toxic... But to the average youtuber, this translates to: "ZOMG, I CAN BREATHE THIS INSTEAD OF AIRS"

I guess that's why there are Darwin awards.
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