Photo Credit: Rochelle Buffenstein / City College of New York
Here's birth control, queen naked mole-rat style:
In African naked mole-rat colonies, the queen is the only reproducing female—a feat she accomplishes by bullying around her fellow blind,
tunnel-digging companions. [...]“The queen exerts her dominance over the colony by, literally, pushing the other members of the colony around. She shoves them to show who’s boss,” said Chris Faulkes, a zoologist at the University of London.
Faulkes explained that the stressful domination reduces fertility hormone levels—effectively suppressing puberty in young mole-rats, lowering sperm counts in males and even turning off the female ovulatory cycle .
“The queen also seems to exert control over the breeding males, so that concentrations of their testosterone are suppressed except when she is ready to mate,” he said.
Link - via The Good Reverend
She likely just shoves the pregnant ones down the stairs.
"I'd hit that"