Painting Dog.

Strapped for cash, dog trainer Mary Stadelbacher decided to try a bizarre fundraising scheme:

If she could teach dogs to become service animals for the disabled - holding open doors and even removing socks for people in wheelchairs - why couldn't she teach them to hold a paintbrush and swab a piece of art?

Heck it should be a piece of cake! Two years later, "Doggie da Vinci" (or is it "Pawblo Picasso"?) Sammy became a painting dog:

Here's the YouTube video:

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

Comments (3)

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Newest 3 Comments

What a horrible display of animal cruality. I mean you can clearly see the person in the video beating the dog and the dog looks terrified. I'll bet the paint is old lead-based toxic paint. At 1:32 sec, you can clearly see the person in the video launching the dogs, quite unawares, in a trebuchet made out of the bones of perviously less talented dogs. I also heard that the dogs in the vidoes who paint, never see a penny of profit.

I am appauled that Neatorama would post such horrible, abusive and mean videos; this is not what I expect.

wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wha wah
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