Do you have a problem with squirrels, chipmunks, or other outdoor critters? If so, there's now a solution - the squirrel catapult. Hit play or go to the [Google Video] to watch this useful, and less cruel than poison or a gun, homemade contraption. via Random Good Stuff.
Do you have a problem with squirrels, chipmunks, or other outdoor critters? If so, there's now a solution - the squirrel catapult. Hit play or go to the [Google Video] to watch this useful, and less cruel than poison or a gun, homemade contraption. via Random Good Stuff.
But I've seen it before and was worried about myself because I had to laugh out loud. It's so wickedly mean that you won't be able not to laugh.
This isn't worthy of a site like Neatorama.
Cat + lighter fluid and match = Laugh Riot!
Hit the puppy with the golf club! Har-Har!
Goldfish + Bleach = Bowl of Porridge!
Let's shoot the Parrot with our paint ball guns!
I'm actually disappointed that you allowed this on your site. It's not funny. Perhaps it's time to admit it was a mistake, and pull the rotten thing.
If it was a person being unknowingly slung out into the yard at high speed, I doubt anyone would complain.
That's crueller than poison because it's done for entertainment. If you really have a squirrel problem, you only need to whack it on the head with a shovel.
But I guess you can't put that to cool music.
In response to the poster below, what are you thinking? Of course these same people would be upset to see a human thrown to their death or their harm. I think the law would also be concerned in that case.
I'm with Ted who posts "That’s crueller than poison because it’s done for entertainment. If you really have a squirrel problem, you only need to whack it on the head with a shovel. But I guess you can’t put that to cool music." Shovel-whacking in particular may be a bit difficult, heh, but he made his point.
My mom did something similar, but every time a squirrel or skunk would step on a 4x8 plywood sheet it would trigger a radio to blare (at deafening levels). Within a few months our critter problem was solved.
We have a bird feeder that spins them off, but it's to keep the squirrel out of the bird seed.
It looks like they are purposely luring the squirrel to fling him away for entertainment.
I think this should be removed. Not funny.
The video is kind of cruel - with that I agree. The people in the background were snickering. I doubt that it hurt the squirrel though, they're tough little buggers.
And I have to agree with everyone else that this SH!T does not belong on Neatorama.
They are not furry little humans, they are tree dwelling rodents! And quite tasty.
As such, squirrels are designed through millions of years of evolution to withstand what would seem to humans to be extreme falls.
The squirrels are fine!
Now GBTW or go protest something you are actually informed about.
Im off to eat some dead animal.
Then take some seconds and think about yourself.
My experience was laughing at first. Because it was so ridiculously unnecessary. Then I felt sorry for the squirrel. Then I felt sorry about me, finding it funny. This is something to think about and that's why it is a good thing it was posted.
Think people think. About yourself and the media...
Somebody call the wahhhmbulance.
I remember seeing this a while back, and laughing my ass off at it. Squirrels can be quite the nuisance. About 2 weeks ago, one burrowed into the side of my house, and then started depositing nuts in the walls of my home ... which was annoying as all hell. Next day, I sealed the hole up ... I don't think that he was in there ... but thems the breaks.
Squirrels may just be 'furry rats' to some, but they are living, breathing, conscious organisms, capable of feeling distress and pain the same as any other.
And yes, FYI, I eat meat.
No, we don't know if it's crippled. No, we have no idea if it lost an eye on the landing. No, we really don't have any proof that the squirrel is doing worse off than it was before it moved into position to be slung away from the house. From what I have heard, since I don't live anywhere near squirrels, they're pretty hardy creatures. I would imagine also that, being that squirrels usually live in trees or in places high above the ground that they would have some kind of sense of being able to fall and not get hurt.
I'm not going to say something like, "Grow up, hippy animal-rights-activist-types," but I will say that if you replaced the squirrel with something like a snake or a cockroach, no one would be saying anything.
In fact, I'd say people would be saying good riddance to the snake and cheering for the flying roaches. Anything that doesn't happen to be mammalian or bird-like seems to deserve the scorn of the world, just because we don't see them as being animals. Sure, someone's going to call me on the definition of "animal," but whatever.
It's just a video. Yes, it's real. No, it was not necessary to sling a squirrel off a patio. In the end, it's done. We can't do anything more about it.
I have one question for all the ppl complaining about this video/technique/post being mean or cruel or criminal .......
Do you ever see any squirrels actually getting hurt or injured......?
So get off your highhorses of hypocrisy and STFU please.
This is an example of the fun and interesting posts that bring me to Neatorama every day.
The hypocrisy of people astounds me.
Even if it's an animal considered a pest by some people, it's still a living breathing animal. And it deserves respect. Not to be treated like a cheap form of entertainment that can be mauled, maimed and killed for the pleasure of people on the internet.
I'll be rethinking my next visit here vary carefully now. Shame on you Neatorama. That was truly sick.
As soon as the squirrel notices it's flying, it starts spinning its tail, which helps it balance. It will be sore when it lands, but it will be fine.
Yeah, doubt I'll be venturing to this site much anymore.
June 21st, 2007 at 2:42 pm
"Attention animal rights reactionary morans!"
Oh man. Where to start?
Believe me, the squirrell is fine. I've seen them go through far worse. Probably just got one heck of a shocker thats all. They're tough little buggers, it takes a lot to hurt them. I've seen them leap outa trees and drop thirty feet to the ground, land, and keep on running, unharmed. Relax people.
To all you people saying you're going to "leave" Neatorama cause of this, get over yourselves, you're not fooling anyone. You'll be back. :P
Treat them well, it's called animal husbandry.
My grumbling starts when animals are hurt for amusement.
The people who did this should get a visit from the cops for animalk cruelty.
If they have aproblem with a squirrel infestation then get a 22 riffle and shoot the little buggers, then eat them.
I've seen them fall off of roofs and out of trees, and scamper right back up a tree with no problem. Small critters that leap around from tree to tree are kinda designed to take that sort of impact with the ground.
btw the video was funny as hell and DEFINITELY more humane that poison (most people with a rodent problem poison the rodents) Oh and the body mass of a squirrel lends itself well to a nice soft landing so STFU ya whiney old ladies!
Lighten the freak UP.
If you want to get pissed off, look at the human-rights atrocities in the world and THEN maybe worry about the little squirrel.
In other words, this thing was made to get the damn squirrels off the porch. Squirrels are tenacious, ingenious, near-unstoppable little bastards, who will tear up your house, lawn, wiring, or anything else that they feel a need to tear up for whatever squirrely reason. The entertainment value is a side effect.
And frankly, I seriously doubt that the squirrels are even fazed. I've seen a squirrel take a 70-foot fall out of a tree; on landing, it immediately ran right back up the tree. I suspect the squirrel launcher is, at most, an inconvenience to them.
good job missing the point.
I just don't think the same level of hysteria should be found in discussions of squirrel-slinging and people killing. Get it?
I love animals, I do I do, and worrying about small things is worthy, I just think you gotta scale the aggression to the situation.
hows that then?
Poison or gun would KILL it, this just Injures them.
*WAY more cruel*
Little rodents like that are rather fragile boned, and I'm pretty sure none of them got away without breaking some of them.
Now I want to see a vid of someone going over to these peoples house and breaking all their limbs with a baseball bat. That WOULD made me laugh.
This is not what I expect from this otherwise nice and intelligent bboard... disapointment.
If it falls, it takes its position to brace for impact (on a soft forrest floor)
Here, its catapulted way faster than it would ever fall, horizontally, towards trees, while rotating like mad. (and way to short a distance to do anything about it)
It's gonna get hurt. It's cruel.
If the guy that thought this one up had another brain, it would be lonely
mmm... I just positionned myself in the 'most likely to become a serial killer' list. Whatever! That was too funny ;-p
It's been said, but... Neatorama just isn't what it used to be. Used to be my all-time favorite site. (cool science and genuinely NEAT links) But now, with all the guest bloggers and stupid videos and crap... it's just another site. Sorry.
It's a loss.
Cue the Arsonist Squirrel
Now cue the Drama Squirrel
Not that anyone cares, but I'll be surfing elsewhere.
And as far as "scaling aggression" goes, it seems to me that posting a comment on a blog in response to a post on that blog is an appropriately scaled response.
Except for the few who made sense though, you kind of ruined it (I'm speaking for MadMolecule and Chad)
A 'rat with a fuzzy tail'- excuse me?
Get a close up look at me- a rat is MUCH cuter.
Anyway, I'll be chewing various holes in your home and pooping all over your attic if you need me?
Think about that, next time you swat a bug or other vermin..
These, at least, get what you wanted to mess-with / hurt / kill. But flying animals will become injured, and injured animals die slowly. So its still cruel.
Guns put a hole in what they are used to shoot. So long as the gun owner is responsible, they kill quickly and kill only what was desired. It might not be pretty, but putting down pests is far less cruel than flinging them to their (eventual) deaths.
# Solo Says:
June 21st, 2007 at 12:29 pm
I hope the squirrel is ok. I think the author should be shot.
Now please, excuse my French, but are you _fucking_ kidding me? You would seriously shoot a human being because he flung a critter across his yard?
You should really re-shuffle your priorities; or maybe you should feed yourself to a crocodile to ease its suffering from food. You know, just a suggestion.
And all you bed-wetting tree-huggers make me want to vomit. This is what you call "exercising your dominion."
It's a stinkin' rat with a bushy tail people.
Get real...