Archive for June 18th, 2007

31 Different Ways to Tie Your Shoelaces.

There are mathematically over 1 Trillion ways to tie your shoes, although I would imagine that almost all of them would look pretty silly. Luckily, Ian Fieggen has taken the guesswork out of finding the most unique...

Jared von Hindman's Alphabet of Horror.

See the complete A to Z drawings of Jared von Hindman's Alphabet of Horror: Link...

Portable Darkroom Hoodie of Yore.

From Modern Mechanix blog, here is a portable darkroom "hoodie": When regular darkroom facilities are not available, photographers may have a practical substitute in a portable one in the form of a close-fi...

DIY IQ Light.

IQ Light was first designed in 1973 by Danish designer Holger Strøm. The light comes as a kit of many interlocking modules that you put together to form a sphere.Here's a particularly pretty one: a Mexican-style I...

Old Computers.

Neatorama reader Steven Stengel has a neat collection of old, ... er vintage computers from the 70s and 80s.This one to the left is IBM 5100, which is considered the world's first portable computer.The Model...

Ukai or Cormorant Fishing in Japan.

Today's collaboration with Cellar Image of the Day brings us this image of a unique way of fishing: using cormorant birds!From Yamasa Institute's Japan Travel Guide:Ukai, or cormorant fishing, is a traditional method...

Neatorama's Title Me This Caption Contest.

Image Credit: thelearnr [Flickr] - via Polarbearaware, Thanks Frankie Kangas!Hi guys! We're happy to start a new (and hopefully regular) caption contest feature on Neatorama.Contest rule is simple: one caption p...

The World's Worst Poet

The following is reprinted from Bathroom Readers' Institute's 17th edition Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader book. William McGonagall (Image Credit: McGonagall 2002 Virtual Gallery) &nb...

Dumbo Octopus is Sticking Its Tongue Out at You!

We've featured this deep sea creature called Dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis) before, but it's so darned cute we just have to show you another pic:From "The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss"...

The Million Dollar Ice Cream Cone.

Bruster's Real Ice Cream, a chain ice cream parlor, unveiled the world's first $1 million ice cream cone made from gold, diamonds, and emerald: Bruster's® Real Ice Cream™, the country's premium ice cream re...

Implantable Lenses for Your Eyes.

James Wells, "Indiana's Coolest Guy" (says so on his website), wasn't eligible for LASIK because his eyesight is too poor. So, he got lenses implanted in his eyes instead!Link...

Crossword, a Flash Game.

Here's a fun (and a little different) crossword game for you: insert a letter into the various spots - the clues are all on the board. Link [Flash] - via growabrain...

The REAL Footage of Loch Ness Monster.

The recent Loch Ness video footage is so ... unsatisfying. Here's one that really spotlights Nessie's star quality. Hit play or go to Link [LiveLeak]...

Gotcha Billboard: Ambush Marketing at Its Best.

Here's billboard ambush marketing at its best: Jet Airways, one of the leading Airways in India anoounced to their customers that they have changed. Kingfisher Airlines, on top of it whipped them by saying "We m...

Man Made $9 Million Selling Lunar Real Estate.

Dennis Hope, "Head Cheese" (really) of the Lunar Embassy, has been selling real estate on the moon since 1980.Stupid? Don't laugh: he's made $9 million so far. Who wants to join me in opening a competing interg...

Decision Maker Ring.

Indecisive yet ashamed of lugging that Magic 8 Ball (or something like it, say the God-Jesus Toy Robot) around?Here's something more discreet: a 3-in wide Decision Maker ring, with LED light that "spins" around...

Gold Man Pee Funnel.

Ladies: Tired of dirty toilets? Can't get your man to lift the toilet seat up? Don't get mad - get him this Gold Man pee funnel instead! - via Random Good Stuff...

The Marree Man: World's Largest Manmade Art.

The Marree Man [wiki] is 4.2 km tall figure of a guy throwing a stick carved into the earth of South Australia. It was spotted by a charter pilot from the air in 1998.The lines of the figure was made with a plough attach...

Housekeeper Escaped with Homemade Cloth Rope.

Desperate to escape an abusive employer, an Indonesian housekeeper fashioned a rope from pieces of cloth tied together and climbed out the window! An Indonesian maid, after allegedly suffering from months of abuse, t...

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