Paul Potts Update

For those of you who enjoyed phone salesman/opera singer Paul Potts' audition for Britain's Got Talent (but don't have access to ITV 1), here's his performance in the semi-finals last night. The voting is now open to the public. See Paulâ's MySpace page, too. Push play or go to YouTube. Link to the show's website.

As far as I can tell, the first performance was better. Unfortunately, this time the barbarians in the audience were hooting and clapping so loudly that Paul's performance was hard to make out.
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I'm kinda worried for this guy. He's getting popular on a mainstream tv show, so after this he's doomed to doing tv interviews and getting contractually obligated into doing crap like commercials, like everyone else getting their 15 minutes of fame. I really hope that doesn't happen to this guy, but he might end up like some of those American Idols: forgotten by next season.
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regardless whether he received training or not, it's his performance on stage that endeared people to him...3 out of 5 who make it to the finals on Idol have had some kind of training, in the end you can be trained by the music powerhouses but once you get on stage if you can't connect to the audience then you're done... and no training in the world can help you acheive success unless you have the basic requirement: natural talent...and paul potts has that in loads!
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i agree that his first performance was better.

But this is a little played out isn't it? I mean I'm sure he's a timid person in rl don't you think the editors are capitalizing after this? the little footage of him walking in the green marsh, set to the polyphonic spree's "Reach for the Sun," gimme a break :P. Obviously the competition is now more than a little slanted.

However, everybody loves an underdog :) And we all wants Paul to win!
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WOW, over here in CANADA we are ALL rooting
for Paul!!!!!
Come to CANADA and do a show - Halifax would be
just a great spot to start your TOUR!!!!!
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Let me expand on that last post, using his biography posted on the Bath Opera's Aida page:

"Paul Potts Radames

A student of Ian Comboy, Paul has appeared on national and local television and radio. He has spent two summers touring Northern Italy training with one of the major opera schools, and has taken part in masterclasses with Vilma Vernocchi, Katia Ricciarelli and Luciano Pavarotti. He has also performed with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. With Bath Opera he has sung the roles of Don Basilio (Marriage of Figaro), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni) and the title role in Verdi's Don Carlos. Future plans include the role of Chevalier des Grieux (Manon Lescaut) for Southgate Opera, London, and another concert with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in the summer. Oh yes! He also plans to get married in May this year!!!"
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Always been a hard rocker love heavy metal and most other fourms of rock then I hear This Guy Paul Potts Singing Opera some people in this life have it that something that grabs you and pulls you in and this guy has it. I never have been a big fan of opera in the past but it dose have a soothing power when delivered right and as far as fifteen minutes of fame and how he will be used by the powers that be who cares at least this guy had the guts and the will power to put himself out there and chase his dream and I say take all they offer Paul and run with it I have a feeling this guy will be around alot more than the fifteen minutes most get he's good and that boy's got Opera Game give them hell all the way to the bank Paul Potts
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Whether Paul Potts has had training or not does not diminish his being the best of the group on the show. Most singers have had some kind of influence in their performance life - be it small or large. Taking voice lessons does not make you a professional. Being paid for the performances does.....Paul has a wonderful gift and I am happy to add his cd to my collection which ranges from Country to Opera. The audience reaction was amazing and Simon Cowell's even more so...rarely have I seen him so taken over anyone. He certainly rarely is even a little bit enthused on American Idol. It was worth it to see the look on his face.....
As a person who has studied voice and piano, I can appreciate the tonal quality of this man and his voice projection. I don't compare him with anyone else - he is unique in his ability to draw people into his performance, no matter what he would sing. I listened to him on the web site over and over and am going to keep track to buy his cd as soon as it is available.
One thing more, some of the bizarre and vulgar comments should have been eliminated from this forum. It was very frustrating to have to wade through them. Mary Newlon
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Simon Cowell and Paul Potts: Voices of emotion?

A charade that elicits my true emotions, especially if greedy, is a scam. “Britain’s Got Talent” show owner, Simon Cowell, recently was crowned with a virtuoso talent search winner, Paul Potts. A mutual contract is prized by both men. His operatic music will bless the world. “I am Paul Potts” rings true to every person’s value and hope for life. He has a magnificent voice. Yet, world class talent does not develop in a vacuum. Is Paul Potts’ “underdog” status formed by Simon Cowell to manipulate our emotions, and further fatten pocket books, unfairly? I shed tears and replayed video sections several times to take in the emotions of singer, judges, and audience. The only other event that exceeded my awe and wonder, in a different way, was the 9-11 twin towers attack. I was amazed with Paul Potts’ concentration, constant tonal pitch; diaphragm and full body delivery; formation from the full throat, vibrato control: absolute control of the craft. Hard work showed. Maybe he had been master trained.

I heard Paul’s story at 0.00 on a video, “… the world of show biz seems a million miles away. Its Paul, a mobile phone salesman from South Wales.”, and then from Simon Cowell at 3.51, “I like shows where somebody isn’t a professional, has talent, isn’t aware of it, has a normal job, and then you see something else.” . I found something else. Like normally expected of talent, it was: tutelage with operatic masters in Italy, four amateur opera productions, a concert for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, with previous plans for an upcoming summer tour with that Orchestra. Okay, but my emotions are for a guy who said that he has a dream to do what he feels he was born to do, but lacks confidence! On his first TV interview after winning “Britain's Got Talent” [ BTG ] Paul said, “You know, I’ve not taken up promotions before because people wanted me to change who I was, and I’m determined to be true to myself, because at the end of the day ….”. Hum? Emotions: unknown underdog singer who was bullied as a kid, and now discovered! He refused promotions? He is silently strong.

Okay, the music industry often tells entertainers who they should be; not let them be. That is negotiation and their choice. At 36 years old, he needs a good move. Switch camera. Simon Cowell spent 2 years forming the “Four Tenors” from three. Quintessential would be quints, a fifth tenor who has passion to make it big. “American Idol”, Simon’s company, can be British BTG in his old stomping grounds. There is a tenor who has refused promotions! Like a good Indian scout of yore listening for a buffalo stampede, Simon’s ear is tuned to packaging the product. He can hear a stampede and he wants it. Okay, money goes to people who bless us with worth! The 100,000 pound sterling “finders fee” is small compared to the reward. If BGT can showcase a discovery, one amateur, but a mature operatic singer who is not promoted, then perhaps the last drop of bloody money can be wrung from innocence.

Not his innocence. Ours. Simon’s announcement at the show that Paul Potts would be recording an album next week was good business linkage to the world. It was business. But, to link my emotions of hope and faith and love of humanity, and to link my personal challenges to a hold-out person, without full disclosure of the full story, seems manipulation of my expectations. The history of any contestant near the stage will be known by the producers; in advance. It matters to uncover embarrassing persons, especially when the prize is door money toward a contract. That is what scouts do. This operatic scout might have used the whole BGT platform to launch Paul Potts; with great emotion. All I want is a good spirit, fair to the closing words of Nessun dorma!, which are Vincerò! Vincerò! I will win! I will win!

The NBC New York city interview of Paul Potts had a common question, “… so, how did you learn to sing like this?” His answer, “Umm, I’ve always just sung - always sung. My voice has always been my best friend.” Endearing for sure. DEAR ME! The close of the interview followed with a transition piece to NBC’s next show segment, a scene with ironic poignancy: “Greed in America - why some people will do anything in search of easy money.” Perhaps disclosures of Simon and Paul are not as full nor lyrical as other New York city namesakes, but such might have much in common with the MSNBC page item today: “Martha Stewart on grilled chicken done right”. Someone, turn up the heat about “disclosure”!
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All I can say is "SO WHAT"?

Paul Potts spoke to a LOT of us with his music. All the rest, I for one don't really care. It's a shame there always has to be negativity when someone hits the jackpot.
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Oh How the untalented will Wail when someone gets discoverd. Come On Luvvs--Don't hate. I mean so what if Mr Potts had training and such---The Bloke can acctually sing. And quite bloody well if I do say so myself. I'm really quite taken aback by all the negitivity. If I had half the voice He does -I'd Bloody well try and win a Bit of Money on it myself.
All The Reality Tv Hulabaloo--It's quite Madening at that!
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Paul Potts fever is running wild in the United States and other countries around the world. It is not just Paul's amazing voice that has caused his over night success, but the entire story of his short but tough life. I hope Paul "knocks the socks" off of the record charts in the near future.
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Many have talent. Perseverance is what makes the differentce. Paul Potts went on singing through many difficulties and has won - not the contest, but the endearing of the human spirit.

Now, there are those who will exploit him. I would pray that he gains enough self conifence to learn the worl "No," and use it often. And with Simon Cowell and Rick Rubins as handlers, a lot of nos will be need to protect a voice in maturing process.
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Stop the negative comments about Paul Potts and just recognize the fact that this guy's got talent. The people who have posted negative comments about Paul are being mean spirited. This man deserves recognition and his talents need to be shared with the world. A great opera performer, Pavarotti, has recently left our world - Paul may never be able to fill Pavarotti's shoes, but I can tell you, I look forward to what the future holds for him.
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SSh, Again attacking Paul Potts on a different web, are you in any way linked to Britains Got Talent, a struggling opera star, or just a hateful person. Roger, a few months training does not make an opera singer, Pavarotti has had training with his opera singing father since a child, and went to New Zealand, to get the best, he only sings opera once a month to preserve his voice. I am afraid for me it is Paul Potts, you and SSh should get together,well suited to each other.
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I agree with allo, a bit of training, a great singer does not make. Give Paul Potts a break. Isn't that what we all want? What a great talent and how wonderful to listen to such a magnificent voice. Just be thankful we are living at an age when we can get on the web and listen to such a great voice.
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