Having recently visited Paris, I can appreciate this clip from the film Paris je t'aime (Paris, I love you, 2006) [wiki].
In this particular segment, directed by the Coen Brothers, Steve Buscemi is an American tourist who got to see another side of France while waiting for the metro at Tuileries.
Hit play or go to %3Cobject%20width=%22425%22%20height=%22350%22%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22movie%22%20value=%22//www.youtube.com/v/bnO6nDTMpqo%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22wmode%22%20value=%22transparent%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cembed%20src=%22//www.youtube.com/v/bnO6nDTMpqo%22%20type=%22application/x-shockwave-flash%22%20wmode=%22transparent%22%20width=%22425%22%20height=%22350%22%3E%3C/embed%3E%3C/object%3E [YouTube] | You can also search for more clips from the movie there. - via PistolWimp