Now that's a Star Wars Cake: a birthday cake shaped like Max Rebo [wiki], who performed for Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi (1983). Link - via Blue's News
Now that's a Star Wars Cake: a birthday cake shaped like Max Rebo [wiki], who performed for Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi (1983). Link - via Blue's News
Darth Vader has nothing on his son in the field of "collateral damage". (Yes, yes, Alderaan got blown up, but that was ordered by Grand Moff Tarkin.)
I think that's why Star Wars was rejigged a little, to make the heroes less nasty. After all, they weren't killing real people. They were killing an army of clones.
They're not killing a BUNCH of people, they're killing the same guy a bunch of times.