Melting Ice Created New Island in Greenland.

Hooray for global warming! Melting ice had finally made a new island off the coast of Greenland:

Off the coast of Greenland lies an island resembling a bony claw.
Long connected to Greenland’s coast by ice, the island escaped recognition for what it was for nearly a century. The island might have been discovered when explorers such as Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Philippe,
Duke of Orléans, mapped Greenland’s coast. Instead, this little island was only recognized as such in September 2005, by Dennis Schmitt, an explorer from Berkeley, California. Melting ice enabled Schmitt to detect the island while flying over northwestern Greenland.

Link - via digg

Here's another benefit of global warming: Broken Ice Shelves Reveal New Antarctic Underwater Species

They're opening a McDonalds there at the end of June. A mall is planned for August and Ikea is interested to build at least 3 stores by next year.
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I find it ironic that you would consider discovering a new species to be a benefit of global warming. Is humanity so arrogant that we would rather destroy the earth in order to attain new knowledge?
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I just realized that once the next island is exposed (far left), the islands will spell out "Jill". Cool.

Lisa - most likely we wouldn't destroy the earth, we'd just destroy most of the creatures (including ourselves) that roam the earth. After our departure, the earth would go back to its normal cyclical weather patterns, and new species would appear that never would have w/o global warming.

Not like that's a very good excuse to ignore global warming ...
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Global warming is a crock. It's simply a roundabout means for socialists to get their hands into our wallets and further try to regulate our lives.
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