Inflated Hedgehog.

A woman in Leatherhead, England took a hedgehog to the vet because it was so big it couldn't move. The animal was suffering from "ballooning", a condition in which air escapes from the lungs and is trapped under the skin. Vets inserted a tube into the hedgehog to release the air, essentially deflating him. Link -via Arbroath

It's not your fault you are overweight, it's cortisol, a stress hormone that forces air into hedgehogs turning them into football shape lumps.

But there's hope, tryptocaliprolifapiloninalinole, a safe, herbal cortisol reducing agent. Call now, only $19.99, your bloated hedgehog will thank you.

And yes, I think I'm funny.
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that would have been awesome if upon the insertion of the needle the little guy flew out of the vets hands and around the room until he was fully deflated!
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