It was on June 5, 1977 that the Apple II, the world's first "practical" personal computer, went on sale.
A few years later I upgraded from a TRS-80 to a second-hand Apple II. I was amazed at the ease of a computer that you didn’t have to program yourself! Link
Featuring an integrated keyboard, built-in BASIC programming languages, expandable memory, a monitor capable of color graphics, a sound card and expansion slots, the Apple II resembles today's modern desktops in the way a '38 Plymouth resembles a Cadillac Escalade. Cruder, perhaps, with fewer bells and whistles, but a smoothly functioning machine nevertheless.
A few years later I upgraded from a TRS-80 to a second-hand Apple II. I was amazed at the ease of a computer that you didn’t have to program yourself! Link
Such great memories...