Archive for June 5th, 2007

Vintage Soda Cans.

Pile of Photos users have uploaded a great set of vintage soda cans, including the cone top Pepsi can above. Many cans prior to the 70s were tin or steel, so rust was often a problem (as seen in some of the photos)...

Science fiction tunneling image

This piece of interactive art defies easy description. It came through my RSS feed from Digg as "The most awesome pic EVER" - hyperbole, to say the least. It is pretty damn clever, however. It is a science fiction *...

Evolution According to North Koreans.

Here's evolution, according to the North Koreans (as shown in a Japanese TV show):Ever since humanity originated, it was centered around Pyongyang. The Korean people have lived for centuries around the Teh Don Gan Ba...

Melting Ice Created New Island in Greenland.

Hooray for global warming! Melting ice had finally made a new island off the coast of Greenland:Off the coast of Greenland lies an island resembling a bony claw. Long connected to Greenland’s coast by ice, th...

World's Oldest Paperboy.

Meet 102-year-old Homer Plackmeyer, the world's oldest paperboy:At 5:30 in the morning, 102-year-old Homer Plackmeyer can't just roll over in bed and sleep in.The residents on the second floor of Building D...

Funky Fluorescent Frog (Say That 3 Times Fast) Found in Suriname.

Photo: Paul Ouboter / Conservation InternationalScientists from the Conservation International discovered 24 new species in Suriname, including this Atelopus frog with fluorescent purple markings, 3 other frog species, 1...

Moroccan Family Lived in Public Toilet for 7 Years, Got Evicted.

Here's something strange and tragic: a family living in a public toilet for seven years in Morocco have been evicted.In a narrow street of the old medina in Sale, the city across the river from the capital, Rabat, Mr...

Real Life Hungry Hippos.

Here's some footage of a Hungry Hippos Tournament, where real live humans imitate the popular board game. [YouTube] - via Gorilla Mask...

Toenail Necklace.

Besides general laziness and physical ineptitude, here's another reason why I'm not an ultra-runner: they regularly "lose" toenails. So, what to do with those toenails? Why, make a necklace, of course! Link - v...

A Real Tree House.

This house is not to be built, it’s to be grown! Architects Mitchell Joachim and Javier Arbona and environmental engineer Lara Greden designed this “tree house” to be both eco-friendly and alive. Tr...

Vincent Laforet Sports Photos.

Vincent Laforet took a series of sports photographs and used the tilt-shift effect to make them more natural and accessible. In this New York Times slideshow, he explains why. Slideshow opens in autoplay mode....

Baby Stingray.

This picture of a baby stingray is just too cute not to post! Link -via Look at This...

New Natural Cure for Upset Stomach: Live Frogs.

Upset stomach? Forget that peptobismol! Try this strange, "natural" cure:Jiang Musheng, a 66-year-old resident of Jiangxi province, suffered from frequent abdominal pains and coughing from the age of 26, un...

Giant Wiimote Plushie Pillow.

If you're tired of getting beat by your younger brother at Wii, get yourself giant Wiimote plushie and start a pillow fight instead!Here's a 26" tall and 5.5" wide hand-made giant Wiimote plushie pillow (too ba...

Mysterious Moss Pattern Baffles Scientists.

This mysterious circular pattern on moss-covered logs is baffling scientists:Last winter, researchers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park discovered the symmetrical bull's-eye pattern on patches of liverwort (a cl...

Diet Water.

When all other weight loss schemes fail, try this one: Diet Water! Found at i-am-bored....

Star Wars' Max Rebo Birthday Cake.

Now that's a Star Wars Cake: a birthday cake shaped like Max Rebo [wiki], who performed for Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi (1983). Link - via Blue's News...

Turning Beer Bottles to Solar-Powered Water Heater.

Chinese farmer Ma Yanjun wanted his mother to shower with hot water, so he invented a solar-powered water heater out of ... beer bottles!Ma's invention features 66 beer bottles attached to a board. The bottles are co...

The crabs of Rome.

According to the National Geographic, an ancient species of freshwater crab has been found living in canals dug by the Etruscans: The Roman crabs—of the species Potamon fluviatile—were disco...

Computer History Museum

Photos from the the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. "The mission of the Computer History Museum is to preserve and present for posterity the artifacts and stories of the information age. As s...

Blufr - Addictive Trivia Game

Blufr is quite an addictive game that you can add on your own website. Powered by online dictionary and more Link - via BB-Blog...

Chicken Polynesian.

Chickens are not native to the Americas, and until quite recently, scientists assumed that they arrived with the Spanish. Now it appears that Polynesian chickens beat the Spanish chickens to the Amerindian cook pot by a...


In this video post, ocularist Kim Erickson describes his job of making artificial eyes. It’s a a fascinating occupation you never think of, but those who have responded to this post say he’s the best. htt...

Journey of Mankind.

The Bradshaw Foundation presents an interactive timeline/map combination that traces the migration of humans over the past 150,000 years. It shows how climate change and events such as volcanic eruptions caused the iso...

Apple II’s 30th Anniversary.

It was on June 5, 1977 that the Apple II, the world's first "practical" personal computer, went on sale. Featuring an integrated keyboard, built-in BASIC programming languages, expandable memory, a monitor capable of...

Inflated Hedgehog.

A woman in Leatherhead, England took a hedgehog to the vet because it was so big it couldn't move. The animal was suffering from "ballooning", a condition in which air escapes from the lungs and is trapped under the...

Bigger is Better: 7 Insane Soviet Projects

The Soviet Union decided the best way to show up the West was through building the biggest version of any given object. The following are just seven of the largest examples.1. MagnitogorskIn Magnit...

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