No children like homework, but it's supposed to be good for them, right? Right?
Maybe not, according to Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish. In their book The Case Against Homework, the authors argued that despite that time children spend doing homework has been skyrocketing in recent years, there is no evidence that that helps them succeed academically.
Indeed, too much homework may even hurt as it robs children of their time to play, sleep, and exercise. What do you think?
Link: The Case Against Homework website | Sara Bennett's website Stop Homework | A nice review in Boing Boing
and don't forget that 7 was the age of reason, the age it used to be ok to go to work, hard work. a little homework can't be bad compared to that.
on a last note, I agree that sometimes some homework seems to be a litle too much for no gain.
Well, I'd like to think that the government schools woke up and started pushing the kids a little harder. I doubt this is the case though as they seem to have mostly eliminated the system of trackinig kids according to their abilities and now lump everyone together and teach to the lowest common denominator. So, it wouldn't surprise me if the current homework is valueless time-eating drivel.
I guess I would need to see the specific assignments to decide if they were worthless busywork or something valuable. The curricula today are rife with a lot of krap and pretty low on the 3 Rs. My kudos to the prior commenters who have taken the huge sacrifices to homeschool their kids. The government schools are (largely... yes, there are excepts) a disaster.