Canadian Monster Gold Coin.

The Royal Canadian Mint has just created one heckuva change: a C$1 million (about US$923,000) gold coin. Link - Thanks mikolka!

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wow!! $1 million Canadian. But I heard as well that it was $3 million.

Made me laugh and wonder why these little poppy coins we have considered "tools of a spy". Why? are people acually going to spy on us?? Lol.
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Canada apparantly is a more wealthy country than some others. These coins were created to save us from having to carry so many smaller denomination coins and bills around. The mint says that within five years most of us will have one or two of these in our pockets every day. Tim Hortons is currently changing their cash registers to handle them.
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@ Lady Cooper

It took me awhile to figure out what you meant by that then I remembered reading the Toronto Star about the Poppy Coins being considered "tools of a spy" according to the Yanks.

It made me LOL.
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Face value is $1 million. The actual value, I had heard, was $3 million. The article in the link says "about twice" its face value.
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