Archive for May 23rd, 2007

McDonalds International.

In Australia, you can get Chicken Tandoori at McDonalds. The McKebab is on the menu in Israel. Your McDonalds chicken sandwich can be served with salsa -in Japan! Will Work for Food has a roundup of different items McD...

The 5-Second Rule.

You’ve heard of the 5-second rule: anything that drops on the floor and is picked up within five seconds is still safe to eat. Students at Connecticut College ran an experiment to test contamination of foods dropp...

Bloomin' Business Card.

Jamie Wieck designed this business card for Another Bloomin’ Designer. For this project I set out to design a business card that a prospective client would want to keep on their table rather than in their p...

White Lions.

Or, to be more precise, incredibly adorable baby white lions, born over the weekend at a zoo in France. Thanks, CraigC...

POP Montreal International Music Festival.

Back in 2005, POP Montreal made this neat commercial. Click play or go to Link [YouTube]....

Giant Bugs!

I met some of these on my walk this morning at Meadowbrook Park in Champaign IL: Here's anotherview:And another:Can you see what they're made of?...

Cheese Perfume.

To promote awareness of its cheese, the Stilton Cheese Makers Association is making a cheese ... perfume!The makers of the famously pungent Stilton blue cheese have launched their own perfume.And they have a...

Deanna Molinaro's "Lonely Sea Monster" Book.

A sea monster sat on a rock sad and all alone ... until one day, a little girl floated on a little boat. See what happens next in this delightful story called "Lonely Sea Monster" by Deanna Molinaro.Link | Dean...

Butter-Fried Donut.

How can you make donuts more harmful to your health (and oddly appetizing!)? Fry it in butter, of course!Link...

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