That's a lie. Whether it is stated with ignorance or malice doesn't change the fact that CO2 is a trivial contributor to global warming, when compared to H2O vapor.
"The less we create, the better for the planet."
Pure speculation. Since CO2 is such a miniscule part of the atmosphere, and since it is necessary for plant life, this statement is pure bunk. I can't believe people fall for childish crap like this. Greenies are like little retarded people.
"We can all help by taking a few simple steps, like these… Use compact fluorescent light bulbs."
Yep, pollute the earth with all of that mercury vapor from discarded CFL bulbs. Brilliant idea! Conventional bulbs don't use mercury, but why let facts get in the way of a retard's dystopian fantasy?
"Adjust your thermostat by 2 degrees. Carpool to work once a week."
More greenie nanny-statism. Just like a filthy hippy to want to control my life.
That's a lie. Whether it is stated with ignorance or malice doesn't change the fact that CO2 is a trivial contributor to global warming, when compared to H2O vapor.
"The less we create, the better for the planet."
Pure speculation. Since CO2 is such a miniscule part of the atmosphere, and since it is necessary for plant life, this statement is pure bunk. I can't believe people fall for childish crap like this. Greenies are like little retarded people.
"We can all help by taking a few simple steps, like these…
Use compact fluorescent light bulbs."
Yep, pollute the earth with all of that mercury vapor from discarded CFL bulbs. Brilliant idea! Conventional bulbs don't use mercury, but why let facts get in the way of a retard's dystopian fantasy?
"Adjust your thermostat by 2 degrees.
Carpool to work once a week."
More greenie nanny-statism. Just like a filthy hippy to want to control my life.