A North Korean Dog Meat Restaurant.

In this interesting clip, a Japanese reporter visits a North Korean restaurant in China that specializes in high quality dog meat.

Before visiting the restaurant, the film crew also visits a North Korean souvenir shop in Bangkok, which was selling a variety of goods from herbal viagra called Youngeron to Da Vinci works copied by North Korea’s finest artists.

They then head for Northern China, where a North Korean restaurant has recently opened. The restaurant specializes in dog meat dishes, and the reporter orders their most famous item: dog meat galpi in a sauce with vegetables. It’s tender and not too bad. The shot of the menu reveals the prices for dishes to be around 25 to 35 yuan (about 3 to 5 US Dollars), which isn’t so bad…..for North Korean dog meat.

Click play or go to Link [YouTube]. As seen on Japan Probe.

Ug! I didn't watch the vid, but just seeing this post made me sad.

I know it all about cultural difference and perspective, like I'm ok with eating cows and chickens but not cute things... but even knowing that... it's hard for me to not be grossed out and saddened by the idea of people killing and cooking doggies! :0

Maybey if someone just ordered the 'drumstick', the dog would get some new prosthetics?
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You need to speak Japanese or Korean to be able to really understand what is going on... they dont mention clearly that this is in north korea and they dont say clearly that it's dog meat they're eating.

They eat rats too and apparantly it's delicious.

You guys say that it's cruel to eat dogs but in India they say that it's cruel to eat cows... and jews dont want anybody to eat pork.
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some people think it's sick and sad that we eat cows. try to be more culturally sensitive please. and remember, north koreans are starving. should they not eat at all or eat what they can just to survive?

and considering that america's #1 on the obesity scale (no pun intended), we shouldn't have the right to say what someone eats is sick or not.
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"and considering that america’s #1 on the obesity scale (no pun intended), we shouldn’t have the right to say what someone eats is sick or not."

Damn straight!
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Not saying is sick, or even wrong (heck, I acknowledged I'm influenced by cultural perspective), but just that it grossed me out and made me sad. (Namely, it makes me sad to think of someone killing and eating a dog because I've had emotional bonds with them. I'm sure things would be different if I grew up with a pet pig or chicken.)
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How can you even tell that it's dog meat?

They talk in japanese all the time in the video and they dont show any dog or anything. It could be chicken for all I know.

Btw, I found pictures of coocked rats on the net and they look delicious... just saying.
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"they dont show any dog or anything" err... sorry they do...

Anyway, my uncle was always telling this story, where a couple of childless acquaintance visiting some Asian country with their beloved dog, asked one day one restaurant clerk to feed the dog, which was not easy not speaking the native langage.
Well, they sat down, ordered, waited and got... their dog, cooked in a big plate.
They flew rigth back home... Sad but true.

Anyway #2 : I eat snails regularly, and frogs, fat goose liver (foie gras), rabbit, baby goats and sheeps... d**n French people!
I also hate one time 'ragondin' (a beaver/rat mix) and shark.. My grand father ate cats during WW2 (taste like a rabbit, not like chicken ;).
An African restaurant in Paris was offering a bug only meal too (see the previous neato post on bugs eating).

Anything killed properly (no torture) can be eaten with a good receipe.

Bon appétit!
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Great post, Chris.

Your uncle's story is obviously an urban legend. It would take a bit of time to prepare and cook a whole dog, and I think they would have grown suspicious.
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A lot of people enjoy Lamb (myself included, I love lamb and Mutton). Lambs are so adorable, if you look at a picture of one. But few people judge anyone for eating lamb.

The way I see it is this..life is life. No matter its shape or form. If you're a human then you are not photosynthesizing, therefore you are consuming living things in order to stay on planet earth. Even veggies are alive.

Sure dogs are cuter and more interactive than carrots, But they both "live".
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