Archive for May 12th, 2007

Their first lightsaber duel.

After the ceremonial first dance, this wedding couple also had their ceremonial “first lightsaber duel” at the reception. Push play or go to YouTube....


Lackadaisy by Tracy J. Butler is a webcomic about cats who run gin joints in St. Louis during Prohibition. Not only a rollicking story, but awesome artwork! Link to website. Link to beginning of story. -via Metafilter...

A Song for Mother's Day, Played on a Theremin.

Here's Thomas Grillo playing a classic 1914 Mother song (written by Howard Johnson and Theodore Morse) on a Moog Theremin [wiki]. Happy Mother's Day, everyone!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Ralph Geiger!*/...

"A Crown or a Grave."

This gruesome print memorializes the last two heads to be impaled on pikes over the Temple Bar, a stone archway that traditionally set off the western boundary of the city of London. Throughout the eighteenth century, th...

Creative Business Card Designs.

Creativebits blog has a collection of some really creative business card designs (many from the businesscards pool on Flickr): Link - Thanks Tara!...

Cauac Twins: World's Largest Twin Tesla Coils.

That's a Tesla coil sculpture called Cauac Twins, built by Syd Klinge for the Coachella 2007. Here are more photos and build photos of the largest twin Tesla coil in the world - Thanks Jason Mika!...

Back to the Future Set.

Flickr user Mr Biscuit took these photos and wrote:Personal pics from the set of Back of the Future taken while I was a security guard at Universal Studios. Hey, I heard Steven Spielberg snuck onto the lot in a secur...

Being Five Comic Blog.

Being Five is a comic blog by George Sfarnas about a five-year-old boy who blogs using a voice recognition software (why? because he can't type yet, of course!). It's very cute: Link - Thanks George!...

World's Youngest Drummer Got a Reality Show.

Whenever my friends get together, they always joke that they'd get a drum set for my little Maddy. Apparently, that might not be such a bad idea - case in point: Julian Pavone, the World's Youngest Drummer (previously on...

Giant 45,000 Square Feet LED Display at Asian Games.

Element Labs, Inc. built this giant 45,000 square (!) feet LED display for the 2006 Asian Games ceremony in Doha, Qatar. The massive size of the display—covering over 4,500 square meters, or 45,000 square feet&...

World's Highest Swing.

The Chinese have built this swing on top of a 700 foot tall viewing platform in China. Swingers are propelled out over the edge of the platform for a terrific (or terrifying) view of Harbin city in the Heilongjiang...

Weirdest Coke Commercial.

This is the weirdest Coke commercial. Click play or go to Link [YouTube]....

How Do You Mow a Giant Wall of Grass?

It's like a giant Chia Pet: the 100-foot walls of the National Theatre in South Bank, London are covered in grass.Which begs raises the question: how do you mow it?

Signs You Might be a Geek.

Kludge Spot has a neat list of the Top 20 Signs You Might be a Geek: When someone says 'organized sports' you think 'LAN party' You have lost most of your social abilities. You never used them anywa...

Saved From a Giant Vat of Fish Poo.

From the website: This nasty rescue is no fish tale. Rescuers cut through a filtration tank of dense fish feces to reach four workers who fell into the sludgy dung Friday while cleaning the 18-foot tank at a western...

The Radioactive Diet.

BBC food writer Stefan Gates travelled to Chernobyl in Ukraine and meets with people live there and regularly eat radioactive food:It turns out that the Chernobyl "Zone of Alienation" is home to several hun...

Smart Dog Takes a Shortcut to "Win" Race.

Greyhound #3 fell down in the race, took a shortcut and got in first anyway! Smart dog!Link [YouTube] - via Gorilla Mask...

Inmate's Last Meal Request Denied by Prison, Fulfilled by Regular People.

Tennessee inmate Philip Workman requested that his last meal be a vegetarian pizza donated to any homeless person near prison, but prison official refused (they do not donate to charity, they said)Upset after hearing the...

Synchronized Skating.

Here's something very cool: synchronized skating [wiki]! Apparently, it's quite a popular sports in Europe.Link [Google video]...

German Shepherd Nurses Baby Pig.

When its own mother abandoned it, this lucky pig found a new mother, a German Shepherd dog! Link...

Blinking Ballet (Old People Dancing in the Street).

Here's something wonderful: old people dancing in the street to "Dance of the Knights" by Prokofiev. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks antnhec!Anton Hecht...

Justin Heimberg's Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder.

Here's something that I wish I had while studying for the SATs: Justin Heimberg's Yo Momma vocabulary builder book, which uses the one-liner joke to teach new words!Yo momma's so emaciated, she can h...

Scientists Developed "Plastic" Blood.

From the website:Scientists have developed an artificial plastic blood which could act as a substitute in emergencies.Researchers at Sheffield University said their creation could be a huge advantage in war...

The City Desk Blog.

The City Desk, a blog about life in a non-existent city, is a strangely fascinating blog by RJ White. Sample entries:As temperatures start to warm up, we would like to offer a reminder that a city ordinance passed la...

Book Inscriptions Project.

Shaun at the Book Inscriptions Project wrote to us: We are trying to collect as many book inscriptions as we can from all around the world so we can put up a new one every day. Some of them are funny, some a...

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