A Historical Chart of Gas Prices.

Ah, gas prices ... do you still remember when gas is about a buck fifty a gallon? Those were the good ol' days. Nostalgic chart brought to you by Gas Buddy, a website where you can (try to) find cheap gas. Link - Thanks Carrie B!

Say hello to $4/gal gas soon, America! Link

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http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/25opec/sld004.htm Show's us that in 1972 a gal of gas was ~.36 a gal. Using:
http://www.westegg.com/inflation/infl.cgi that would be $1.73 in todays dollars. A little less then double the inflation rate. Since it is a finite resource, and a commodity, is it really that big of a surprise that prices would rise?
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HE he, soon Gas international corporation (OPEC like) will be constructed and prices for countries like America will be incredibly huge HA !!!!!
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A buck fifty!?!?!?

I remember when gas was 19 CENTS - per gallon!

And cars still get similar mileage to what they did back then - what's wrong with THAT picture?
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