A Dog, Cat and Mouse Balancing Act.


Meet Booger, Kitty and Mousie, who perform with their owner Greg Pike in a very cute "dog, cat, and mouse" balancing act:

This is Booger, Kitty and Mousie. Booger is the dog, Kitty the cat and Mousie, naturally, the mouse.

The entire balancing act belongs to Greg Pike, a popular street performer known as the "dog-cat-mouse guy" to locals in Bisbee, a remote US town two miles north of the Mexico-Arizona border.

Pike is a familiar fixture on Bisbee's streets, where he stops on the footpath, stacks his pets atop one another and sets out a basket for donations.

Link - Thanks JP!

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We saw Greg and his animals in Bisbee, AZ in 2006 on our trip from Georgia to California... This was amazing. The animals were very comfortable and not being harmed in any way... They were very cute!!! Would love to see them again!!!
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things like this give me the creeps, like trained animals at circuses. how much cruelty do the trainers inflict on those poor animals to make them maintain their positions? what horrible things do they do to them if they move out of place. it makes a pretty pic, but i wouldn’t give this guy a nickel.
Liv, I live here in New Mexico and I have seen Mr.Pike and his animals on more than one occasion. The are in no way forced to do anything. That is what is so amazing about them. I have seen them just sitting downtown by the plaza the cat and dog and mouse are just kicking it by each other. I have also seen them walking down the street in Taos. There, they were just strolling down the sidewalk, with the cat on the dog and the mouse on the cat. I have animals and you can tell they are at peace and are in no discomfort. So, get a grip. Take a trip to New Mexico and see for yourself.
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things like this give me the creeps, like trained animals at circuses. how much cruelty do the trainers inflict on those poor animals to make them maintain their positions? what horrible things do they do to them if they move out of place. it makes a pretty pic, but i wouldn't give this guy a nickel.
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