Meet Booger, Kitty and Mousie, who perform with their owner Greg Pike in a very cute "dog, cat, and mouse" balancing act:
This is Booger, Kitty and Mousie. Booger is the dog, Kitty the cat and Mousie, naturally, the mouse.
The entire balancing act belongs to Greg Pike, a popular street performer known as the "dog-cat-mouse guy" to locals in Bisbee, a remote US town two miles north of the Mexico-Arizona border.
Pike is a familiar fixture on Bisbee's streets, where he stops on the footpath, stacks his pets atop one another and sets out a basket for donations.
Comments (4)
Liv, I live here in New Mexico and I have seen Mr.Pike and his animals on more than one occasion. The are in no way forced to do anything. That is what is so amazing about them. I have seen them just sitting downtown by the plaza the cat and dog and mouse are just kicking it by each other. I have also seen them walking down the street in Taos. There, they were just strolling down the sidewalk, with the cat on the dog and the mouse on the cat. I have animals and you can tell they are at peace and are in no discomfort. So, get a grip. Take a trip to New Mexico and see for yourself.