An average of 81 people die by gun every day in the US. The New York Times has a graphic showing the breakdown of those deaths by age, sex, race, and cause. Link -via Exploding Aardvark
An average of 81 people die by gun every day in the US. The New York Times has a graphic showing the breakdown of those deaths by age, sex, race, and cause. Link -via Exploding Aardvark
Sad incidents involving twisted sickos do occur, but the liberty engendered us by our Constitution and the freedoms thereby prtected are well worth it.
Occasional gun violence gets a lot of airplay in this country, but the reality is that a lot of criminals think twice before invading homes or assaulting someone. There are lots of Bernard Goetzes out there, so be careful about whom you threaten with a sharpened screwdriver!
I agree with Dave, CARS are the number one killer. Has been that way for years, but yet they keep talking about Cancer or Guns or Drinking.
A simple thought experiment: Imagine yourself on that campus on that terrible morning. Wouldn't it perhaps be preferable, empowering and quite probably life-saving if you - or one or more of your trusted buddies was carrying a firearm, or perhaps had one stashed in the car - because the VT authorities hadn't overturned the 2nd amendment to the constitution and declared the campus to be a "gun-free zone"?
guns in no way lead to violence, it's the people that use them that casue violence. Guns are nesasary for the protetion of individuals, and outlawing them would be a disaster.
Guns are far from outlawed in Canada.
Death rate by gun is far less in Canada than U.S.
Gun deaths per 100,000 population (for the year indicated):
Homicide Suicide Unintentional
USA 4.08 (1999) 6.08 (1999) 0.42 (1999)
Canada 0.54 (1999) 2.65 (1997) 0.15 (1997)
Switzerland 0.50 (1999) 5.78 (1998) -
Scotland 0.12 (1999) 0.27 (1999) -
England/Wales 0.12 (1999/00) 0.22 (1999) 0.01 (1999)
Japan 0.04* (1998) 0.04 (1995)
Data collected by Philip Alpers, Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and HELP Network
So I guess you haven't done that thought experiment then.
Canada has not outlawed guns. Gun control is stricter, and there are less around than in the US.
There are like, more people in New York City than in all of Canada.
What's overwhelming is only one woman out of those 17. Does this mean that violence against women is a myth?
If I wanted to kill people, I would seek out a place that would not allow people to have guns so I could kill more without having to deal with an armed civilian. In essence, gun free zones empower criminals and impede the law abiding.
Real scientists who have researched suicide have found that the only thing that really matters is whether or not the person is serious in their intent. When guns are not available, they *will* choose another method, and there are several that are just as effective. Pills, of various sorts, are commonly available, as is carbon monoxide, and jumping from heights. Does committing suicide with a gun somehow make you more dead than a 20 story fall? Or do guns emit evil mind control rays that force otherwise normal people to commit suicide?
According to one study, as many as one in six police involved shootings are deliberate suicide - "suicide by cop" - and that included only deaths where the victim left some kind of suicide note - "I'm going to force the cops to kill me."
Or was the post meant to put forward the lefty gun control agenda?
Anyhow - nice to see that for once a politically charged post at this site resulted in a comments section not dominated by "progressives".
Statistics Canada has no anti gun agenda.
The sources sited by are unbiased. Statistics compiled from Centre for Justice Statistics; FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Data, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada Homicide Survey; Research and Statistics Division Department of Justice (Kwing Hung) June 2001
All this data shows is how many guns there are in Canada and how many people died gun related deaths.
Ted, Canada's population is roughly 31 million, comparable to California.
33 million
You're most likely to be shot by yourself or someone you know, not in some random shooting incident.
Nobody wants to grab your gun, people. We would just ask that you use them safely and nicely, and play well with others in discussions, instead of calling them names. K?
And before you go flaming me, we own several guns and the NRA sticker is on my car. K?
Now shut up.
As the cliche goes - if you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have guns. You simply cannot ban anything, it doesn't work.
And re: your "statistics". I don't give them any credence. Perhaps if they were broken down into the US states that allowed concealed carry laws and those that didn't I'd be willing to bet you might just find that most of the gun crime happens in the "gun control" states.
When mass killers meet armed resistance; 3 different stories:
Penn and Teller on Gun Control:
Looking at the link for those stats, it still shows a suicide by gun rate much higher for men all the way across. You have to wonder when the info is presented like that just what the agenda, and what stats are being bent. For instance, the younger female category shows a whole bullet, when the words indicate that the number should be at the most half a bullet. Then you have to start to wonder why the division into age groups. Why not consider the population as a whole? Or is it more effective to keep hammering the point home with different age groups?
Gotta love these politicized threads. It's like marching in the Neatorama army - left, right, left, right.
Before you all start wetting your pants, I'm a gun owner and enthusiast. At the same time, I have no problem seeing statistics on gun violence in the US, and no problem with the article.
FWIW: Women often have higher *attempt* rates for suicide - men are just far more successful at it - often 4 times as much.
"Lies, damn lies, and statistics...and damn gun statistics." – Some Guy
I must say that the break down of the NYT stats is kind of artificial, seeing as its by race and all. If a guy is half black and half white, is he the 'nearly' 6 black men murdered or 'nearly' 7 white men suicides? these vague facts just make the statistics a whole lot less credible.
Why is there no mention that the guns used at VT were legally purchased and owned? Surely the neatorama readers present here would never break the law and kill people, but that's not a valid argument to suggest that all people who legally purchase guns do so for self-defense! The counter example is right in our faces!
It is my opinion that we'd be better off with no guns. Then, murderous people wouldn't be able to get guns (or at the least it would make it MUCH more difficult) and perhaps there would be less incidents of legally owned/purchased guns (and less guns in general) being used for murder. Is that logic so far-fetched? Would school shootings of the past have been so "effective" if the killers didn't have guns?
I too would like to live in a world where criminals didn't have guns, but like a lot of things in life that's an unrealistic wish - or even aspiration.
Madmen like the VT killer, or hard core professional criminals will always be able to get their hands on guns. You just have to ask yourself whether you want to try to live in that ideal world without guns - while the criminal element cheat - or live in the real world and level the playing field.
You seem to view life as a constant battlefield where you're always endanger... I feel when average people need to think this way it means America is in a very poor state. Why do you feel this way? Do you feel threatened when you walk down to the corner store? I would never want to engage in a gun fight. I think filling the streets with guns in the hands of paranoid people will only lead to more unnecessary death.
I also disagree with the notion that the VT killer would definitely have procured guns in a different matter. Do you think the columbine killers would have gone through other criminals to get their guns if they couldn't swipe guns legally purchased by their parents? This is all speculation and could be argued forever, but I'd like to think that raising these questions will at least cause people who are "pro-gun" to consider an alternate point of view.
An armed society is a polite society. Or words to that effect...
I'd rather live in ignorant bliss than have to deal with the worry of who's going to shoot me. Guns have little to no chance of escape when used, which is why they're an asset to police officers, but to the common citisen? Nobody -needs- a gun. You can argue the need for self-defence, but guns aren't the end-all-be-all.
They're a privilege, not a right, and like most destructive things, need to be respected.
My "violence against women is a myth" comment was supposed to be oversimplifying, because in my opinion, this statistical representation is an oversimplification.
For one thing, the stats don't indicate the gender of the shooter, except in the suicide cases. Some of the stats are not complete people, but they use complete images - skewing our perception unless we read the text carefully.
And isn't it odd that they used pictures of lipsticks for these graphs?
Seriously though, I recall an activist a few years complaining about an increase in the murder rate: 49% of murders were female victims. She didn't seem to mind that 51% were male victims. We need to cut down on all murders, regardless of whom they're happening to. Do stats like this really contribute anything to our understanding of the problem?
Gun control figures and gun-related murder rates are blank canvas for both sides to paint whatever picture they want. It's pointless to compare the numbers from two nations with the expectation that the people are the same. Consider that in the past two or three years with Toronto's over-sensationalized "gun problem", the total overall murder rate was still only in the double digits each year. That's less than 100 people murdered (in various ways) in an urban population of over 2.5 million. New York City's murder figure has been hovering around 600/year for the past 6 years -- 3.25 times as many people, killing each other roughly 6 times as often. What does this mean for the gun issue? Nothing. Americans are just more violent and more prone to murder than Canadians. Doubt it? The number of murders in New York City over the past 6 years is on par with the number of murders in the entire nation of Canada in 2005 -- not by proportion, a 1:1 comparison.
Liberal access to guns, controlled or not, just makes it easier for people who are likely to use them to kill to do so. Having a gun doesn't mean you'll just start killing people (or committing other crimes). Without guns flowing like water, Americans would pick up the slack and stab each other more, nut cases would take bombs to school, and postal workers would throw sarin gas balloons.
United States. This age group made up 21 percent of the total U.S. resident
population in 2004.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children of every
age from 3 to 14 years old (based on 2002 figures, which are the latest mortality
data currently available from the National Center for Health Statistics).
In 2004, there were a total of 42,636 traffic fatalities in the United States.
The 14 and under age group accounted for 5 percent (2,157) of those
traffic fatalities. This age group accounted for 4 percent (1,638) of all vehicle
occupant fatalities, 9 percent (246,000) of all the people injured in motor
vehicle crashes, and 8 percent (214,000) of all the vehicle occupants injured
in crashes.
Every day in the United States, an average of 6 children age 14 and younger
were killed and 673 were injured in motor vehicle crashes during 2004.
In the 14 and under age group, males accounted for 56 percent of the fatalities
and 47 percent of those injured in motor vehicle crashes during 2004.
Statistics from NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
These automobiles are licensed and registered , as are the drivers . They are manufactured under strick goverment controls and regulations , also sold with govermental input , yet there were 42,636 deaths that occured with the assistance of these machines . Where is the outrage over these deaths .
With that said , firearms are far more regulated than any car .
Now for a question ;
If I register my guns and obtain a license for them , shouldn't I be allowed to carry them any place that a car is allowed ?
deaths of criminals at the hands of other criminals, and
the deaths of criminals in the act of committing crimes from the lawful use of force (self defense / justifiable homicide) by law enforcement officers and armed citizens.
Oops. Little tiny detail that suddenly takes away the image of little Johnny and Janey getting mowed down by unattended "guns gone wild".
guns shold never be outlawed though im definite on that
Sure enough, when I walked into the bedroom, it chased me around the house, firing every round in the chamber... and when it went empty it threw itself at me, barely missing... yessirree, my gun was completely out of control... yep we must control guns.
The reality is this.. i have a rifle sitting in my closet collecting dust because it has no feelings, no agenda, no passions, greed, jealousy or anything else that makes humans flawed. My rifle has never been fired in haste or in anger, because its OWNER controls himself.
Think of it this way.... When a murder by gun goes to trial, the gun is never sentenced to prison.