The Devil's Bible: The Biggest Book in the World.

Dita Asiedu at Radio Praha writes:

The Codex Gigas, also known as the Devil's Bible, is the biggest book in
the world. Made at the start of the 13th century in a Bohemian monastery,
it was one of the country's most prized works of art. In medieval times,
its uniqueness was even put on a par with the wonders of the world. . . .

Why, how and by whom the Devil's Bible was made has remained a mystery
until this day. But legend has it that the book was written by a monk, who
faced being walled up alive for breaching a monastic code, and promised to
create the biggest manuscript in the world in just one night in return for
being spared from punishment. But when he realised that he would not be
able to deliver on his promise, he asked the devil for help and his prayer
was answered. The devil, to which the monk sold his soul, is depicted in
the Penitential - a chapter that takes the form of a handbook for priests,
listing various sins and the corresponding forms of repentance.

"The book contains the Old Testament, the New Testament, a necrology
of the Podlazice monastery, a list of Podlazice fraternity members, a
script on natural history, the oldest Czech Latin chronicle - there are
eleven contents items in all.

It is estimated that skin from some 160 donkeys had to be used to provide
sufficient writing material for the book. Written in Latin, it also
includes mystical medical formulae to treat epilepsy and fever but also
solve unusual problems like finding a thief, for example. One of the most
valuable chapters is the Chronica Bohemorum - a copy of the Bohemian
Chronicle, drawn up from 1045 to 1125, that is considered one of the
oldest and best transcripts of the Chronicle. The very end of the codex
includes a list of the days on which Easter falls in the coming years.

It depends how you define "largest" and "book". Here's some other contenders:

BHUTAN — World's Largest Published Book

Wikipedia — World's Largest Book's_largest_book

Wikipedia — Brockhenge
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Looks pretty big but there was a book at the ABAA Feb 2007 book fair in San Francisco with a book that looked slightly bigger. I think it was a printed Koran. About 9 feet in length? The dealer's name was Eric Chaim Kline from Santa Monica.
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my personal oppinion to whoever have there comments posted on here, i am sorry to say but the devil is evil and if you want to believe it then go ahead but i do believe in my GOD and i know that his the real GOD... you can still turn back, but if you plan not too, then GOD is not going to fight with you.His real and i believe in him.. I LOVE YOU GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT and GOD THE SON
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I don't believe humans are quite concious enough to know God although I believe some have acheieved this. Most of us are stuck in the 3rd dimension so that goes to show how evolved us humans are. I also believe we will all find the Christ Within in a few short years as the Earth sheds us off and we reach an acclerated acsension process on Dec 21, 2012. All is Divine and the plan is perfect. Know you will ascend and you will reach the higher densities of the 5th dimension! As to go for the Devil... I believe the Devil is a metaphor for fear and destruction and everything else negative which is the level that most people of this planet operate on.
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this book is history it should be studied and protected . the devil is evil and is very real but as long as you beleive in god you have nothing to fear so the book should be used as something to learn from i find it very interesting
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My question to you all is how do you know? If GOD gave us a conciounse (sp) then how could he send someone to hell who does not know? Just because i dont fully believe means im going to hell? Hopefully GOD understand me if he is there and hopefully im not sentenced to hell. But at the same time it is human to be curious, to not fully believe in something you can not comprehend. All of you people who believe in christ and GOD, what if your wrong? Not trying to draw you away from GOD by any means but how can you be so sure about something you have no idea about? Yeah you read the bible but who is to say its true. The bible, for all you know, could have been created by man as the first form of government. It was made to control people, give people parameters so they couldnt kill, and steal, and everything that it stands for. It is a form of control and people dont realize it. Perhaps it was created by GOD. Perhaps also it was created by man. No one knows. Thats my point. Tomarrow is an unsure thing. So why worry about it? I dunno what im trying to say. Just some things i felt like throwing out there.
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I will be watching national geographic dec.14@8pm.est. to learn more about this book. Hopfully it will bring people closer to GOD and his infinite power not the devil
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Lucifer ir Lord, visi, kas ir pret vi?u mirst, visiem, kas atbalsta vi?u, ir King zem?k! youre disapearence ir zin?mi sabiedr?bas ac?s, un youre n?ves ir l?ni un unbearably s?p?ga! visi Lord krusu Lucifer! t? ir viegl?k liktenis ir King turpm?k, nevis kalpot abouve, un, ja j?s liegt Lord Lucifer v?r? youre m?ž?go dz?vi, vi?š banish Jums, lai k??t par forgotton, nekad j?skata, uzklaus?tam, vai iedom?ties, ka atkal!

Translated to Latvian
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Nick and others, Maybe God can choose to send someone to hell because basically, God is heaven, and if you reject God, then you have to go where he's not, which is Hell. If you could get to heaven some way besides Christianity, God wouldn't send his very own son to a brutal death if we could just find a different way, would you? God loves us very much and was very gracious to sacrifice His son just so we can be with Him in Heaven. The bible also have a tremendous history which is well kept track of. Written by many different authors over thousands of years and yet still sticks together perfect, hmm. As for what if we're wrong...who has more to lose, me or you? If I were wrong and you are right, when we both die, POOF! we're both gone from existence. If I'm right and your wrong, uh oh! I go to a place more wonderful than either of us can imagine and you go to a place more horrifying than either can imagine.....for all eternity. Can you imagine how short a 90 year life would feel after 10 million years in eternity? Just some thoughts. Consider it, I would love to be able to spend my eternity in Heaven with you there too.
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I couldn't have said it any better myself Matt! We are saved by God's grace through our faith in Him. We perish for lack of knowledge, which is why if you have EVER heard of God, you MUST seek out the truth, not just make up your own. Pick and choose what you like and don't like in the Bible, and you just created your own God. The Bible was written by men, inspired by God. While our science and english books were also written by man, inspired by thier own intelect and is EVER-CHANGING. I trust the Bible, that NEVER changes. Glory to God.
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Like MMG2007 says, pick what you like and don't like. Follow your intuition. It will lead you to the right place. Nick, maybe you will find that there is a God if you start studying the cosmos and universes. That is how I started believing that there was one. I used to think the exact thing you do now. But it is hard to argue that all the universes were created intelligently and geometrically and I do believe there is a creator for everything. I don't like to follow religions because the religious institutions on this Earth are all at the bottom of the dirt and the seprateness is has brought among us is horrible. A church divided is not a church at all. Money motivates and not always in a positive way. But I do believe that all religions are paths to find the Christ Within and to bring everyone to the path of I AM, the oneness of everything. Here's a site I found to be very informational on studying the universe.
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Any intelligent person would know that God and Heaven and Devil and sin and such are merely concepts created by the human mind. Nothing you ever "believe" in can ever be greater than the human mind since if it were you could never have any way of becoming aware that it existed. Wake up and live in a REAL world while you still can.
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harddirt. I guess you are trying to say there is no other life out there in the universe or none that is as intelligent as us. Did you know that there are hundreds of UFO sightings in 1 day. And they are not the flying saucers our governments found out how to make in WWII. We live above E.T.'s if you did not know who have very well shown that they are very much intelligent than us. And like I said before, we are stuck in the 3rd dimension. There are 13 in this universe. Many beings operate in others. Us humans have a long way to go. If you were not saying that, sorry I went on that little rant.
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ill say this, i believe in god. i dont believe in church or the holy bible. but if you paid more attention to the fact that the creater of the codex was in confinment for years but made the book in a day. he created it with thousands of sheets and imagine how crazy that is. because the book is of sin he couldnt go to god for help, the devil was his only choice. plus it would have taken him 5 years to complete the book. he did it in a day.
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"Did you know that there are hundreds of UFO sightings in 1 day. And they are not the flying saucers our governments found out how to make in WWII."

Crop circles used to be believed as true also, but was later found out it was down to man, "flying saucers" are just another thing which has come from the human mind, when someone believes they have seen a flying saucer, either the person is hoaxing the event or there is a perfect explanation to what the object realy is (none alien).
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this book is intresting, not created by the "devil"
but probably a monk by the name of herman the reclouse.
it is estimated the to write this continuosly it would take around 5 years of 24hour a day writting but with his other dutoes i.e prayer etc it would have take him around 35 years to complete, it was thought it was a team of scholars that completed it but because the ink is mage from insects and not iron it points at one mans work, also it is "amature" it looks awesome to us, but back then it is classed as amature, like a very early nerd had a lot of time to complete something. the page with the full page devil picture was puzzling why would this be in a "bible" but on the opposite page is a picture of the kingdom of heaven, so when the book is closed the face each other good v evil, so close togther,
this is my take on it anyway, hope it was useful.
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In 1230 in a monastery in Bohemia, a Benedictine Monk had commited a sin which shattered a sacred monastic rule, so offensive that it was kept secret. His punishment was to be walled up alive in a cell. He begged that if they allow him to write a massive book, the greatest book of its age containing the bible and all human knowledge, it will glorify his monastery forever. To prove his pennance, he will write this colossal creation in one night. The elders scoff but allow him to try. Finish in one night or die the next day. With dawn approaching, he panics as there is so much to be written so he makes an unholy pact. He asks for help from the fallen archangel Satan.
Legend says that the demon answers the monks call. Just as the gospels were guided by the hand of God, the Codex Gigus was gudied by the hand of the Devil. Experts checked the document recently to see if they could see how it came to be created.
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You should read a bit more and not just the bible. The Bible was put together by religious fanatics who picked and chose what was to go into it. That is why so many new found scriptures are not in the bible, they tell a different story that didn't fall in line with the men who decided to put together the bible in its present form. There were other men just as wise as Jesus was supposed to be and other prophets just as informed as the disciples who were ignored such as Mary Magdelene. I am not religious at all, just well read and I think of myself as a person who doesn't believe in God but could well believe there were men like Jesus who were clever beyond there years and such stories, if they are to be believed, of Jesus casting out demons from Mary Magdalene could well have been that he counselled her for depression or schizophrenia and was able to get to the root of her problem and therefore rid her of her numerous personalities. There is a lot out there for us to marvel at but it doen's need to be a miracle. Think of what we have today and take it back to the late 1800's and you would be heralded a God quite easily.
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i find it interesting that there are sooo many diff religions. and all have their tying similarities to ea other. if you dnt believe in the mass religion you are casted out. but how can you be when there are soo many religions?? who's to say which one is 'right' and which is 'wrong'. The bible was created by man. and the diff versions by many many diff men. right along with other 'bibles'. i do however think there is something out there. i wont call it God bc i dnt know if that is the right title. i wont believe that there is a God. he had a son called Jesus. and there is a holy sprit that are supposed to be all one entity. when you go to church, who is on the walls? in the windows? on the cross? and why do people say oh Lord Jesus? If Jesus was a real person then you are worshipping the wrong person. its confusing to me. and why do you have to pay $$ to the church for someone to tell you what the bible says. are you that ignorant, stupid, helpless that you cannot tell what it says?? Did u kno that the church doesnt pay taxes either?? ALL of them dont! ALL OF THEM DONT but we do?!!
i dnt like to talk religion bc it can get very touchy for many people. i found that by researching and watching a certian movie (Zeitgeist pt 1&2), i made my choice to find out as much as i could about any 'religion' i care to spend my time entertaining n my life. the Spanish inquisition, the Crusades etc. people were killed if they ddnt claim to be a part of a certain religion. What kind of sh!t is that to be doing to your fellow man?! if you're so hardcore religious, so ardent of a religioous follower?!
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dear sir
please read and send me answer.
sunil joseph
Mail me.
Mobile No. 91-9200137981 and 91-9981667957
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Im sure you spent the last 35 yrs of your life studying old books and writings. the book is not a fake, but we have no idea whom wrote it. There are clues but 1230 was a while ago. it was wrote in that time, now believing what was wrote is up to you
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I find this very interesting. I would like to read the devils bible. I have read the satanic bible a few times and i think that was put together with a hole lot of crap just to make money. Now maybe we have something a little more realistic.
The devil rules!
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Neither the Devil Nor God exist...Its about time the human race grew up and left behind their silly superstitions. Look whats been done and whats still being done in the name of God-- Hatred, murder, bigotry, discrimination, just to name a few things. Please, my fellow humans, PLEASE GROW UP.!!!
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people should read,+ investigate into as many areas as possible in an effort to get as much information as they can about any topic. and once they have as much info as possible,they then can make a decision as to what they belive to be the truthfull outcome.
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why hasnt been published? cause the Vaticans ideas and what it stands 4 will b extremely compromised, thers evil in good and good in evil,we must investigate what lies in the pages of this book ,i have witnessed what secptics would call SUPERNATURAL , believe!!!!!!! i didnt ,thou after my many encounters u / better watchout its everywhere X RELIGION and POWER where taken by force thru conquer and destruction ,who made kings and queens /shit we did, perhaps cause our existence is so limited we adhere 2 false hope and need 2 believe in somethin that may give us hope in our mere mortal lifes, read somewhere that GOD and SATAN our only state of mind , back in the days physcology was a mere speculation and not confirmed , till next time
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Hexodius , Maniturilumin..INOCETIS ABBA.

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I saw this book featured in National Geographic just a few hours ago. Their explanation about how it was made is similar to yours, or your source. I got curious, so I am checking the web for more.
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if the book is made by the devil and some contents can be used for good things like curing the diseases as mentioned, why not forget this as an evil book, lift the good things from it and used for the best to help others??? like curing others diseases and detecting thieves!!!!!!!
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just to let you know, from the time the bible was wrote to the time it was transfered to english lang.. it has been changed through out time.. things have been taking out and added but in same breath some things are the same and never changed. if you think it has not been then you are a idiot (no offence) my spellinjg is not the best and i dont care. face facts.. now do this get 20-30 people and start at one end or there other tell the first person something and have them pass it on.. ask he last peson what was said.. then see if it was your orig saying was.. point proven. i am not saying there is not a god or devil. if you think there is not a higher power then you sir/ mam are idiots. i did not come from a monkey its science's way to try to figure out what and where we have come from. thats why it is called theroy. with that said we all was givin a freedom of choice and with that we should come to our own conclusions. beleive what you long as you beleive in somethijng thats all that really matters right..
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also.. i got into a convo with someone the other day and he tried to tell me that god did not temp adam and eve.... ok he could be right.. here is my thought.. tell your children not to touch something.. chances are they will.. like when god said you may eat anything and do anything EXCEPT eat from the tree of life... to me that is temptation and satan heard/fed uopn what god said.. gave the extra push.. if god never said that then there would never ben a point to freedom of choice. if they was to listen then there would of been no point to our existence<----? spelled right? anywho.. no matter how you look at things there is a thing called pollar opposites.. good evil light dark war peace etc.. one cannot live without the other. just putting that out there
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I also saw the show about the book on t.v. It's intrigueing no doubt, but it's also scsrry that all of a sudden there's this book. Then the Myan calendar ends in 2012. What's really goin' on? Seems like doom and gloom has replaced all other thoughts of a wonderful future for us all. We can intellectualize the Bible and the Devil Book all day long, but the bottom line is that the real deal is within. Don't you know it....can't you feel it? We definitely are not alone. What ever the power is, we have it. We just need to get still and quiet enough to recognize it. If you choose the Devil (free-will) then so be it.
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we will all just have to wait and see until we die.
then we will knw if there is a heaven or hell(thats wierd,they both have the same first letter).....
anyway, we will then know if the monks,bible,codex,heaven,hell,are all true,or we are just another form of life on earth and that when we die,we die............... end of story....thank you very much..........
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Dear Friends all of us have a choice, with free will and lots of curiosity, knowledge can be input but faith is purely by heart. So anyone can beleive it or not. But the only thing that I can say is this respect the beliefs of others as they will respect yours. It is an interesing book, side by side there a word of God and by the devil, by all means is it just the nature of a human being that it has a side of goodness and a side of evil. Just let time judge it, anyway we will all die and only then we will know the answers for all of these.
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"I don’t believe humans are quite concious enough to know God although I believe some have acheieved this. Most of us are stuck in the 3rd dimension so that goes to show how evolved us humans are. I also believe we will all find the Christ Within in a few short years as the Earth sheds us off and we reach an acclerated acsension process on Dec 21, 2012. All is Divine and the plan is perfect. Know you will ascend and you will reach the higher densities of the 5th dimension! As to go for the Devil… I believe the Devil is a metaphor for fear and destruction and everything else negative which is the level that most people of this planet operate on".

I know this very old but we do not live in a 3-d world we live a 4-d world otherwise you wouldnt beable to see in 3-d. thats why between now and 2012 we will be ascending into the 5th demension...
sorry had to get my $0.02 in there
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Oh yeah and the bible of the sheeple is a lie. you realize that so called good god has killed more people than Satan ever has.
Also i would like to know why the old and new testament are in the devils bible, doesn't make any sense...
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if everyone that has read the bible belives in the bible, then they should not worry about heaven or hell. if you recall hell is a common grave. so everyone who dies goes to hell. jesus himself went to hell. and as for the end if you recall in the bible no one knows, it will come like a thief in the night. so how can anyone tell you the date of the end. if you belive in the bible then you should know that no one even jesus does not know when its going to happen.
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Lovey lo i have respect for you that you believe in god

But and a Big but my momma who was created as a companion for a man here on earth always told me
god said if you don't help yourself he ain't gonna help you.

So my advise to you is read the book know what your protecting yourself off
and then love and embrace your god

Thanks and stay blessed
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Oh, how it grieves my heart to read so many people is disbelief. Every part of the Bible is the truth. God, who created our world and creates new life everyday left us a book filled with His words for all of the generations to read. Why is it so hard for us to believe that He made sure EVERY WORD was exactly how He wanted it to be and still protects His word to this day? God is able to do ANYTHING. This world is screaming out the truth that this planet was designed by one true being named God and yet so many CHOOSE to believe the enemy's lies. The Bible proves itself over and over. God's words can not and will not fail.
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I'd be more concerned about the anti-Christ that now runs America. He's way too shrewd and everybody who comes out of the Oval Office is seemingly entranced. Those that have met him in other venues have modified their views but also report that they were also threatened. This is way to sinister to be simply Chicago politics.
Prepare for however you expect the afterlife to be because we are Barock and a hard place.
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wtF is everybodys problem?!

i dont blog or read forums or any of this stuff, ever but i was watching tv and saw the commercial for the special there doing on the devils bible(codex digas) tonight and i googled it to see what it was about, i was curious ya know? so i read up about it on wikipedia blah blah etc. went back to google and it led me to the site where i have been reading all of you people give your comments and two cents about the subject and basically going back and forth about whether there is a god or not and why he IS true or IS NOT true blah blah, i personally am 18 years old and i used to go to church regularly but i choose not to anymore, its not that i dont believe in god, i just dont worry about it. plain and simple. whatever happens happens. i dont think i will be punished if he is real, there is nothing that says i have to go to church is there? oh wait, the bible. right. a big book written by who knows how many people that talk about god and jesus and the son and the apostles and all this amazing stuff that happened that makes for an great story.. but thats it. what makes it true? the bible is a big story passed down for generations by many different people. does it make it true because its so old? how do you know that some of the stories havent been embelished to make it sound better or even from lack of communication, turning water into wine? 40 days and 40 nights? these are metaphors for he did some crazy shit to the water and he was in the desert for a long time. idk its just kinda hard to believe, and im pretty sure that something like the bible could be replicated, of course not nowadays with media and internet and etc. you couldnt pull off a lie of that proportion but back in the dayyyy, well i think we've seen the product of that. dont believe everything you hear or read, seperate the bullshit, how could that monk possibly make a book that big in one night? cmon dont be stupid its a story, an old mythical story, the book is called the codex digas(giant book) it is only refered to as the devils bible because it has a picture of him in it. for whatever reason, theres pictures of the devil in the bible too, maybe its just a big book that doesnt have any particular meaning to it besides that its big and old and written in latin.

well i think thats all i have to say, i just had to get that off my chest. we're curious, its not a bad thing, we're only human so be curious, believe what you want.
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manny fimbo is correct we are living under the anticrists hand, this huge book is verry interesting and i will catch the special about it on tv tonight
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It goes that without saying that one can defeat an enemy better by knowing how they are. It makes since to me that the Devil's Bible may give with out a doubt clues to how the devil really is and his true nature. The old saying is that you keep your friends close but your enemies closer. That is without doubt how things are.
I consider the Devil my enemy and I think it would be wise to know how he and his followers think and that they can be stopped by knowing how to defeat them at their own game.
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I think that if it is not publised da book it defies what Gods gave us. If we have no faite in the word of his Bible. So then are we true believers. I do think it was writen by one man, maybe da Devil had enter man to say his word. Who are we to say no to his believers. At lest it took one man and if it was a monk a true man. Why would da Holy Bible be writen by many men. And if you look at where the Holy Bible comes form greed, killing. It is hard to have my faite in a book that does not tell all because so many people thinks they know what is good for us or good for the church. That is I put my faite in good. Ether this book is importent or it is not it should be up to us man kind.
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The devils bible is coming more in focus in the 'last days'...because satan is running out of time...and he wants to decieve as many as possible, before Christ Jesus, the true God comes back..Ciao
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Aslo ich gulbae ja nchit, daehlsb wies ich es acuh!
Die Dviel Bblie ist nhitcs arneeds als der suabenmgoenwe
Bbeil-Cdoe! Na, dnkee das ist für Idniesr nhitcs nuees
aebr wlotle es nur nmohacl kaletlrlsen. Staan ist ünrbgeis ein amers Wrtecshün im Gilrl der Sdüenn.
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"And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil." John 3:19

There are more manuscripts for the New Testament then there are for most of our "historic" writings, and yet people are still filled with disbelief. It's so sad. All of the evidence points to the authenticity of this book and yet we still fight it. Sad.

I don't even know what to say except that Jesus loves you...and if I were you (which by the grace of God I am not anymore) I would not want to face God on judgment day and try to plead my case that I'm just a good person. Please take the time to view this's called a Sinner in Heaven's Court.

Since..the big question is...what if you're wrong...

The truth shall set you free
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you guys are crazy. keep your religious preferences to yourself because religion is a bunch of B/s to control people.. faith is what really matters, and it doesnt matter what your faith is in, just as long as you have it. to each his own, but I hate reading someone tell someone else that they are going to go to hell for not believing in jesus. that is so STUPID. thats what happens. religion manipulates and scares people into believing ridiculous ideas.
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Haha if there wasn't God then there would be no devil.
Reading the devil's book would not make you any more of a follower of the devil than reading the bible makes you a christian.
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Ponder This: There are thousands upon thousands of religions in the world, with more popping up literally every day, whether they are completely new religions or sub-religions (there are some 35,000 subs of Christianity alone). Anyone can start a religion; all you need is a 1,000 followers and a book. Everyone in history has had a God, some sort of all knowing being/beings, monotheistic and polytheistic respectively. The Romans & Greeks had hundreds, what makes them wrong and us right? They were much more die-hard about their gods than most today are (middle east excluded). Everyone in history believed/believes that their god/gods are the real deal, and yet according to someone, somewhere, your religion is wrong and you need to die for your sin. One last thing; almost every religion in the world says that if you don't belong to their faith then your going to burn in hell or something similar. Assuming that there is in fact a heaven and hell (a single heaven and hell by many names), and also assuming that every religion is valid, then i have one question: If everyone is going to hell, who gets to go to heaven? And don't come back with, "well the bible is based on fact and thousands of years of people writing stories into it that sound possible! Everyone else is stupid!", because trust me, everyone else says the same damn thing; so what makes you more correct? Anyway with everyone in the world apparently going to hell I just have one concern.... You think there's enough chairs?
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If the is such a bosk Why hasn't it been published yet i would love to know more about this book and find out what interesting things lie with in its Pages
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Does anyone still truly believe in the devil and a god?? The book is interesting because of its age and origin. As with all manuscripts it ia a work of art and a testament to the work of men.
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To all those who think the Devil and God truly exist hear me now,

The story of two extremely powerful creatures known to man as God and the Devil exists since ancient times.
Ever since humanity began to think, act and destroy this tale lives. Compasion, love and curiosity are some of the good traits of humanity these represent God.
Violence, destruction and hate are the evil traits of humanity these represent the Devil. Both of these creatures have been forged by man and exist solely in the mind of whoever believes in them.
Because humans are weak and incomplete as living creatures they tend to see things differently then they truly are, God and the Devil are manifestations of the weak and lacking human race. They are what we want them to be, they are what we want to be:
Invincible, powerful, happiness and able to control whatever stands in it's way. Some believe it is possible to become this and gain such a power merely by living up to these traits, creating artifacts in His name, prying or sacrifice to Him.

Never forget that the human race is weak and incomplete
and wil always strive to become perfect and strong.
The human race wants the impossible.
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I find it hard to believe that out of the majority of comments I have read that you all claim such strong oppinions pro or con to this topic. It is evident by reading a lot of the comments that most of you are practically illiterate. (Judging just by spelling and grammar.) The Devil's Bible is a BOOK, just as the Bible in all it's many forms - is a BOOK. If you choose to live your life conforming to a BOOK rathering than seeking out and eperiencing life itself, then that is your choice. But at least READ whichever version you choose and interpret as you see fit rather than having it misinterpreted and shouted at you by some sweaty zealot and calling it gospel.
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Hmm, yes i supose you're right Jaden. Experience is the best tutor. Alas to many are afraid to look at life with their own perspective they look at it through someone elses instead. In most cases they choose the Bible or other religieus transcript to lead them. I can't stand such people they are to afraid to make choices on their own fearing they might make a mistake, these people are weak.
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life is short get cancer and die then prise the beast dont pray to the devil hell start to love you be tray him he will bless the angel of dies es on you then someone you love will die trust me i know 3 or 4 prayers hell he will take you serious you don't get a second chance go ahead and pry to absyuss watch what happens ask for the demons to rise become one sell you soul you will fell the same but tell the devil you love him he might get a bo hoo tear in his eye dont do what i did just because dio did stomach cancer devil loves him now he wants it gone mess with devil you might get deviled i still hate god so i ant no christian but i dont pray to the devil i have ii have asked people before thhey pass away to haunt me they haven't what is true what is false my mom died of cancer after praying in tounges backwards you wanna talk to the devil pray in tongues backwards feel the power then goods will happen then bam the worst thing in your life will happen devil don't score around cause vengeance go ahead kiss his ass see if i care
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nick your an idiot ill curse you right here you not special you are an idiot the devil loves too or they would be no Antichrist you to shall die by the sword to whatever this might mean but your i believe don't work you not god so in my mind your a pea without a root
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what a bunch of retards. no matter what you say to someone it isn't going to change their beliefs. let people live their fantasy world. jesusfreaks. preach at church. no one cares about you here.
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Sweet ZOMBIE Jesus...has anyone else noticed a growing trend with these type of crap? Anything at all? Now, Matt, whomever you are I commend you on speaking directly from the logically spiritual (should that make sense to some or none) side of the "brain" and trying to explain in the lowest understandable terms to those who have but a third grade reading level what it is you truly think about this Book, of all things. The Bible, The Book of the Devil, amazing how all it takes is a title to make some men/women go mad in their faith and preach outright to others about how well done their tender meats shall be once dead and damned because they simply didn't believe or "never sought the Truth." The most inanimate thing created by human hand (other than perhaps, a paperweight) wages wars, slaughters and sends some running for the hills in fear of the purging self righteous fires of "salvation." La dee da, it's labeled the book of Ze Devil, was discovered and studied and never presented to the public other than on a Discovery Channel cover story. The hell do you think the first Bibles were like, other than scraps of letters from varying priests and followers, snapping up all they could from the heels of their messiah as he threw the teaching of their "One True God" before their faces? I do not abhor Christianity, in any of its forms. Bigots, and the snakes in greasily tailored suits that smile, tell you to shake off your problems and pray because God loves you, God cherishes you and every penny to give to them are the particular breed that I despise. The close minded sheep, too wrapped in their misconceptions of "faith" to possibly accept that there are those out there who believe everything in interwoven and we all simply wander to the same place at the end of days, make me sick with sorrow. Say the world does end, a massive wave of destruction washes about the entirety of the planet and the few, lucky or well prepared survive as they watch the Four Horsemen come riding over that vast, desolate horizon. I'll tell you what I'm going to be doing on that day...saluting, and then barring down on them through the triangle site at the end of my weapon.
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you all think god and the devil are at still at war what you dont relise is they are working together the human race that did not obey the devil took care of them the ones that obey god take care of them that was the deal if god can forgive the sickening sins of the human race why not forgive the angel who loved him the most..........
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Almost all of what I've read here has been nothing more than comments that have been made to see who can get the better of the other. Trying to "cram" what you believe down each others throats isn't going to change anyone's opinion on anything, it only causes people to become defensive. It's common sense that "good" and "evil" do exist. You see/live the battle between the two everyday. The Codex Gigas could have been "inspired" by Satan just as easily, if not more so, than the Holy Bible was (or, to be fair, could've been) inspired by God. We all have a choice to believe what we want, but please don't waste everyone's time with your uneducated nonsense. Take the time to at least read/study what you are giving your opinion about or you’re not really a Christian, an Atheist, an Agnostic, a Satanist, or whatever it is you say you have choosen to be, you're a moron.
And, oh my, please understand that if you want someone to take you seriously, have enough pride in yourself to pull out a dictionary or at least try a little harder not to demolish the English language...especially if you are an American.
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Almost all of what I've read here has been nothing more than comments that have been made to see who can get the better of the other. Trying to "cram" what you believe down each others throats isn't going to change anyone's opinion on anything, it only causes people to become defensive. It's common sense that "good" and "evil" do exist. You see/live the battle between the two everyday. The Codex Gigas could have been "inspired" by Satan just as easily, if not more so, than the Holy Bible was (or, to be fair, could've been) inspired by God. We all have a choice to believe what we want, but please don't waste everyone's time with your uneducated nonsense. Take the time to at least read/study what you are giving your opinion about or you’re not really a Christian, an Atheist, an Agnostic, a Satanist, or whatever it is you say you have chosen to be, you're a moron.
And, oh my, please understand that if you want someone to take you seriously, have enough pride in yourself to pull out a dictionary or at least try a little harder not to demolish the English language...especially if you are an American.
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The only thing that claims that the devil is evil is the christian and catholic Bible (WHICH WAS WRITEN BY MAN NOT GOD). The devil is an angel not a demon, he was only cast out of heaven because he refused to obey god and bow to man. besides god is more evil then the devil, there is no proof that the devil ever did anything evil but there is much proof (ALL PROOF ONLY FOUND IN THE BIBLE)of the evil god has comitted, (THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT, THE GREAT FLOOD, GOD TURNING A WOMAN INTO A PILLAR OF SALT) and so forth.
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