A message from the World Wildlife Foundation to China. The text on the balloon reads: “Drive one day less and look how much carbon
A message from the World Wildlife Foundation to China. The text on the balloon reads: “Drive one day less and look how much carbon
1. Red China only started doing these green public relations ploys when they became desirous of hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics. If one was allowed unfettered access to the more remote regions of the countries, you would see the true story.
2. In an modern (1st world) emission-controlled vehicle, the amount of carbon monoxide produced is TINY. The engine-out CO is very low to start with and then catalytic converters take care of about 99% of what remains. Even the toughest CO standards are easily reached with modern technology. What is more challenging are hydrocarbon and (especially for diesels) oxides of nitrogen (NOx) standards. That's where the research & development dollars go.
3. What does make a LOT of carbon monoxide are the little motorscooters and put-puts that are ubiquitous in Red China and most of the rest of the Third World. These things generally have carbureted 2-stroke engines without any emission controls. Although tiny and fuel-stingy, they belch as much CO and hydrocarbons as a fleet of modern US / European / Japanese cars.
4. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It and water vapor are the two *normal* byproducts of even the cleanest combustion of any carbon based fuel. If, for some reason, you want to make less CO2, you need to burn less fuel. Making cars lighter is the best first step. The progression of insanely stringent crash standards have resulted in today's cars being about 50% overweight. The insurance companies and government regulators have pressured us all into driving tanks. Even "small" cars like the MINI are now around 3000 pounds, which is crazy.
5. Diesel engines do not produce more CO2 on account of producing less CO. In fact, because they have higher thermal efficiency, there is less CO2 as well. NOx is the sticky point for diesel engines. Reducing the NOx while not simultaneoulsy throwing away the fuel economy advantages is the tough part.
Anyone here seen the fascinating documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle"? For those of you who don't know what it is, it's not arguing that global warming doesn't exist, only that humans have absolutely nothing to do with it. Right or wrong, it presents a number of remarkable arguments for its theory. I'd really recommend it no matter what you may believe regarding the issue. (And no, I'm pretty sure oil companies and big business had nothing to do with the making of it... and even if they did -- which I doubt -- it doesn't change the apparent strength of the presented arguments.)
And, you are right that some plants respond well to heat. But, as the atmosphere gets warmer it changes weather patterns. This causes climate issues that the plants simply can't deal with: more wind, less wind, less rain, more rain, or the extinction of an important local animal species. Check the IPCC report, it has all of this in there and it's the "lowest common denominator" report that every contributing nation could accept.