Archive for April 20th, 2007

Lilly Allen's "Smile" in Simlish

I found this video and song to be wonderfully strange. British pop star Lilly Allen has a song "Smile" that was apparently a hit last year. In addition to singing Smile in English, Allen has also recorded it in Simli...

Giant African Snail.

This looks like it should be in a 50s sci-fi movie about nuclear mutants, but no. It’s a Giant African Snail, which can grow up to 12 inches long! They are illegal in the US, due to their invasive habits. Push p...

Macaw Teaches Boy to Talk.

According to the Sun, this parrot, named Barney, has been teaching a little autistic boy to speak: Dylan Hargreaves, four, has severe learning difficulties and had never uttered a single word. But after listening...

Maze Mania.

Maze Mania is a wooden fence maze that covers 2.5 acres in Garden City, South Carolina. Inside the maze are several open rooms which offer several exits.Step up to the counter and check in with the cashier. You wil...

Gelli Baff.

Gelli Baff turns a normal bath into a pool of brightly-colored gelatinous goop. Its a powder that holds 400 times its weight in water, similar to the substance used in disposable diapers. A packet of dissolver is inclu...

Frodo's Hobbit House.

Livejournal user Obelia Medusa built this intricately detailed miniature recreation of Frodo’s hobbit house. You must see the interior closeups! Link to the project in progress. Link to pictures...

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