Archive for April 19th, 2007

Tribute to the Virginia Tech Victims.

CNN has a touching tribute to all 32 victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre:

Harry Whittier Frees.

Photographer Harry Whittier Frees used no special effects to create his early 20th century versions of LOL cats. He had to be gentle with his subjects, and wait patiently for the perfect moment to snap the pictures. Li...

Donkey Testifies on Own Behalf in Court.

From the website:Faced with complaints that his donkey was too loud, attorney Gregory Shamoun decided to bring his case directly to the court: he had the donkey testify.Buddy the donkey appeared in court Wed...

Guess What Is This Weird Obelisk?

No, this is not a Neatorama contest, those are posted by "The Man" Alex. If you're still thinking after a few minutes ... go here. It would be cool to have one at home ... well ... maybe both the obelisk and the w...

Text Twist.

Here's a fun (and kind of brainy) Flash game: Text Twist. How many words can you make out of 6 letters in 2 minutes? Link [Flash] [Java applet]...

Patches, The Horse That Thinks He's Human.

We've featured Patches, The Horse That Thinks He's Human, before, but he's so darned cute (and useful: Patches can fetch beer from the fridge) we just have to do it again: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Lu...

DIY Fun Money.

Here's a generator that lets you make your own "fun" money (with your own uploaded image).Link - Thanks Raymond Penners!...

Linux on a TV Set?

Someone tell me: Is it possible to install and run Linux on a TV set? Here's a video of two guys doing just that (Or is it just an elaborate joke?)Hit play or go to Link [Metacafe] - Thanks zloyshaman!...

Quinn Sullivan, 8-Year-Old Guitar Prodigy.

Meet Quinn Sullivan, an 8-year-old guitar prodigy, who recently performed with legendary bluesman Buddy Guy: "You had to have been there," he said. "He had the chops, and he had the stage presence and...

Yuval and Merav Nathan's Music Video for Eatliz.

Here's an interesting animation (music video for the Eatliz band's song "Attractive"), made by Yuval and Merav Nathan. The stop motion effect and the cellophane sea are fantastic! Hit play or go to Link [Aniboo...

Love Connection's Best Named Guest.

Chuck Woolery introduces the best named guest on Love Connection. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]....

Space Fashion Winning Design.

This model is wearing the winning design in last year's space fashion contest. Article by Lisa Katayama on Found at Tokyomango....

Cat on a Treadmill.

Do you remember November, the cat on the treadmill? He seems to have lost his mojo. Just kidding! This is Kosh, a lookalike who does not want to take a walk. Push play or go to Google Video. -via Cool Stuff...

Russian Cakes.

English Russia has a collection of intricately-decorated Russian cakes. Yes, this is a cake! Link -via Cynical-C...

Mr. Toledano.

Photographer Phillip Toledano has several galleries of strange and amusing photography. He was responsible for the baby suit photo that went around a while back. His other work is equally memorable. Link -via Everlasti...

Top 10 Coast Guard rescue videos

There's some real drama here:Since 1790, The Coast Guard has rescued thousands of mariners in distress. This is the Top Ten Rescue videos of all-time. These videos were rated both on the significance of each particular...

Bicycle Day.

Today is the anniversary of Bicycle Day {wiki}. At 4:20 in the afternoon, on April 19th, 1943, the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann deliberately ingested 250 micrograms of LSD-25, a substance he had discovered during exp...


Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit Lollapalooza 2007 is coming up August 3-5 in Chicago. Put yourself, or someone you know, on stage virtually as a Paloozahead! Upload a picture, then select your clo...

Suicide Food.

Suicide Food is an alarming term referring to advertising in which an animal acts as though they wish to be eaten. It's also the name of a blog devoted to such depictions. Ads are rated by "psych evaluations." 1 n...

What Won't They Tax?

The following is reprinted from Uncle John's Curiously Compelling Bathroom Reader. They say the only certainties are death and taxes. Death may be the better option… BACKGROUND Oliver Wendell Holmes...

What is It? Game 20

Our collaboration with What is It? Blog today is this object. Can you guess what it is? Check out What is It? for more clues ...Place your guess in the comment section - post no URL, let others play, ple...

Vintage Comic Book Ads.

Say No to Crack has a neat article on the ten strangest vintage comic book ads. This one is Kryptonite Rocks:This one never made sense to me. Be a friend to superman by buying Kryptnotastic rocks? Kids were supposed...

Bin Laden Look-alike Runs for Office in the Philippines.

There are so many people running for office in the election in the Philippines that it's hard to remember who's who. That's why Agakhan Sharief decided to chose a nickname people won't soon forget: Osama bin Laden!Af...

Tickle Me Freud.

Here's something to give the future-psychologist in your family: a Tickle Me Freud doll!Link - via Miss Cellania...

Star Wars Minifig Papercraft.

Japanese website Piro model has the templates to make your own Star Wars minifig papercraft:Link (click on the images in the website) | Piro Model [in Japanese] - via Eduyayo...

Children Were Sacrificial Victims in Ancient Mexico.

Archaeologists discovered the remains of two dozen children who were sacrificed offerings to a rain god in ancient Mexico:The bodies of the children, who ranged in age from 5 to about 15, were found in a single pit d...

Writing 10 Numbers Simultaneously with 10 Fingers.

Huang Xiaohu, a 32-year-old Chinese man trained himself to write 10 numerals simultaneously using 10 fingers. Huang Xiaohu told to Beijing Times he acquired the special ability through countless practices. "I wa...

Bathtub Racer.

From Evento Company, here is ... the Bathtub Racer! Sure looks like fun: Link - via Random Good Stuff...

Darth Vader Hot Air Balloon.

Belgian Star Wars fan Benoît Lambert created this hot air balloon shaped like Darth Vader's head!Link - via Boing Boing...

Blood Puddle Pillows

Artist Keetra Dean Dixon came up with a creative way to let your peers know you've been working too hard - the blood puddle pillow. Unless you're looking to attract attention though, something tells me you wouldn't...

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