Flying Fish Statue Goes Through a Building.

This statue is located in Portland, Oregon, USA. Does anyone know anything about it?

Found in The Daily Foyolog

It's a type of salmon, looks like coho to me. It's located above the entrance to one of the better restaurants in Portland.

Oregon along with the west coast of Northern Cali, Washington State, British Columbia and panhandle Alaska comprise what we call "Salmon Nation" where salmon is a regional icon/food much like Maples/Maple Syrup in New England, Wheat in the plains, etc. There are huge extended political battles over salmon, how to restore salmon habitat, sovereign rights for tribal peoples over salmon, etc.

An example of how Salmon are identified with is this group:

Now all you folks join in: Bring Back Ceililo!
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Once in a while it is bound to happen. I read Neatorama every day, reporting neat and interesting things from around the world. It happens this sculpture is 6 blocks away from where I work. Great coincidence.
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