Arrogantics compiled some of the funniest fan-made 300 trailer mash-ups and re-cuts.I particularly like the PG version: THIS IS CAKETOWN!!! [a bunch of YouTube...
Photo by Steve Kluge, Fox Lane High SchoolWe've featured snow donut before on Neatorama, but this one is different: it's a snow cinnamon roll! Earth Science Picture of the Day has the brief story:
I hate design studies - they get you really excited but rarely make it into production. For this cell phone design, I am praying that it will make it.
As cellular phones become a standard, the statement they make...
It happened in Night of the Lepus. It happened in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It happened to Jimmy Carter. And now its happened again.
Traditionally, rabbits and hares are better known as l...