Archive for April 18th, 2007

Hello Kitty Exhaust Pipe

What better way to get to your Hello Kitty wedding than in a car outfitted with a Hello Kitty exhaust pipe? No word on where in Japan to buy one, but multiple cars have been spotted with these exhausts. Link...

Flying Fish Statue Goes Through a Building.

This statue is located in Portland, Oregon, USA. Does anyone know anything about it? Found in The Daily Foyolog...

Meringue Peeps Followup.

Earlier this month, we posted Evil Mad Scientist’s recipe for meringue peeps. People tried them and reported back, so they have posted a roundup of links tracking the results. Link...

Finishing the Boston Marathon.

Jacob Seilheimer went on a diet and lost 89 pounds (an accomplishment in itself), which got him down to 349 pounds. Then he ran the Boston Marathon (as an unofficial entry), and finished! Dead last, but that’s s...

300 Trailer Re-Cut.

Arrogantics compiled some of the funniest fan-made 300 trailer mash-ups and re-cuts.I particularly like the PG version: THIS IS CAKETOWN!!! [a bunch of YouTube...

Snow Cinnamon Roll.

Photo by Steve Kluge, Fox Lane High SchoolWe've featured snow donut before on Neatorama, but this one is different: it's a snow cinnamon roll! Earth Science Picture of the Day has the brief story:

Plumber Burned Down a Mansion on His First Day at the Job!

Think you have a bad day at work? Not as bad as this plumber who accidentally burned down a £5 million mansion on his very first day at work!

Mite Rediscovered the Joy of Sex.

Two species of Crotoniidae, a type of mite, have regained the ability to mate after their ancestors had lost it (they reproduce asexually):The Crotoniidae reproduce by having sex, which wouldn't be too stran...

High Voltage Power Line Inspection: Holy Crap!

Here's an interesting job for you: a high voltage power line cable inspector!There's only 3 things I've ever been scared of. Electricity, heights, and women. And I'm married, too!"Link [YouTube] - via I Am...

Radia Cell Phone

I hate design studies - they get you really excited but rarely make it into production. For this cell phone design, I am praying that it will make it. As cellular phones become a standard, the statement they make...

Crazed Hare.

It happened in Night of the Lepus. It happened in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It happened to Jimmy Carter. And now its happened again. Traditionally, rabbits and hares are better known as l...

Neatorama Ambigram.

Yay! Homero Larrain from Chile created this cool Neatorama ambigram (meaning it reads the same upside down). Is that awesome or what!Check out more cool ambigrams here: Link - Very cool! Thanks Homero!...

Il Lee's Ballpoint Art.

We all have created swirls and blobs with ballpoints, but Il Lee elevated doodling into an artform. Here's Lee's drawings, called Ballpoint Abstraction:

No Exit: Technology and Happiness.

Ah, how true. Andy Singer of No Exit nailed this one down perfectly: technology does not bring lasting happiness. For more No Exit comic, check out Andy's website: Link...

Doris Salcedo's Chair Art in Istanbul.

No, not a chair garbage heap - This amazing art installation was made by Colombian sculptor Doris Salcedo for the International Instanbul Biennale in 2003. She used over 1,550 chairs stacked on an empty lot between two...

Christopher Conte's Mechanical Sculptures.

Christopher Conte makes some awesome mechanical sculptures - check out his work here: Link - via Needcoffee...

World Record of Most Body Piercings.

With over 3,920 body piercings and tattoos (192 piercings in her face alone!), Elaine Davidson currently holds the world record of most body piercing. Wow! Links: Pics at The Day I Went Mad | Elaine's website - via Look...

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