Stacey Whaley's Fractal Art.


Stacey Whaley of Intergalactic Art is a talented fractal artist. This one above is a particularly striking Julia variation. Check out more of her wonderful fractal creations here: Link - via Cliff Pickover's RealityCarnival

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Since Stacey is my daughter, I may be a little prejudiced. I don't know why anyone would feel the need to slam anyone else's work. Stacey, as always, you always devote the time and energy to do beautiful work.
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Hello! First of all, thank you for placing my site on your web page. Someone sent me an email saying that they found out about my fractals through this site. I appreciate it very much!

I have something to say to Mr. Marcusbacus above. Mr. Marcusbacus, I have created hundreds of fractals since March of 2005, and out of those hundreds of fractals, I have only used Adobe Photoshop on three or four fractals. I simply don't have the time to use Photoshop in addition to Apophysis. In fact, the fractal that they have shown on this blog is pure Apophysis. But anyway, if, as you say, fractals "could look prettier" if touched-up in Adobe Photoshop, then why would you hesitate to do so?

Also, it took me more than two years' work to get where I am now with Apophysis. I do not consider it "easy". I think every one who works with Apophysis for some time has put a lot of hard work into it and I think they should be applauded for all of their effort. Simply put, even Fractint is easy after you have put time into it. I have used Fractint, Ultra Fractal and other fractal programs, I simply like flame fractals the best, and that is why I have chosen Apophysis to do my work in. Random parameters in Apophysis do not create pretty fractals. Generate a random batch and you will see all you get are unattractive random shapes! It takes work to turn these into something that is pleasing to the eyes. And anyway, you shouldn't be generating random batches. To create the best of fractals, start from scratch!

OK, that's all I have to say! Thank you again for the link and for listening to what I have to say about Apophysis.
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To each one its own, but I am also a fractal artist myself (since... 1996?) and I don't find it amusing that people use Photoshop to embelish their works, to me it's pure cheating although it can still be art - sometimes. My fractals went to the Lincoln Center in an exhibition some years ago without a single touch of Photoshop. They could look prettier though, if I had used it.

I am a bit away of the fractal world since the easyness of Apophysis and its random parameters made everyone else a fractal artist. Try Fractint, people.
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