SOHO stands for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The SOHO Gallery has movies and animations on sunpots, solar flares, photon showers, and comets. This video of solar flares was made from SOHO’s images. Push Play or go to YouTube. dd to SOHO. -via Ursi’s Blog.
SOHO stands for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The SOHO Gallery has movies and animations on sunpots, solar flares, photon showers, and comets. This video of solar flares was made from SOHO’s images. Push Play or go to YouTube. dd to SOHO. -via Ursi’s Blog.
Very trippy.
I really love your blog. I look forward to seeing what neat things you have next!
I wonder if we can find a better one? I'm sure I could...and what do you know I did find one that's pretty good.
Plus, it uses the soundtrack off of the movie "Solaris" which works pretty good...makes me feel pretty calm.