Robert McRay's Mechanical Sculptures.

Here's something really neat: mechanical sculptures by Robert McRay. I looove the cute baby dragon "Artemus" (above). (page loads slowly, but worth it) - Thanks Robert!

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My husband, Marc Rubben and I are now the proud owners of the private collection and prototypes of Robert McRay's BIGHEAD's. We purchased them from Robert in December 2007. There are 7 in all. Check out Marc's website to see photo's of this new acquisition. Marc is a professional ventriloquist/comedian and plans to use some of the new guys in his future shows. However, since these are in fact mechanical sculptures and not puppets, they are not all suited to be used as vent. figures. Some are better suited for display only as a work of art. These sculptures are truly amazing and we are happy to now have them in our possession.
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I took mechanical engineering at WSU and that is some cool s*#t. Looks like the inner workings of a watch. I can see how they could eb mistaken for puppets because they have a character shell. But since they are each sculpted, then I gotta say mechanical sculptures. I would love to know where he learned how to do it. He hasn't replied to my email yet.
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You kidding? The stuff is incredible. Look at the pictures on the other pages that show the inside of the heads. If it ain't mechanical sculptures, I don't know what is.

Awesome, awesome awesome.
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I don't want to nit pick, actually I do. They are just puppets or ventriloquist dummies to be more accurate and they seem quite good but calling them 'mechanical sculptures' seems pretty rich. Is he ashamed of being a puppet maker do you think?
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