Top 10 Overlooked Video Games.

Here's a list of the Top 10 overlooked video games, includes The 7th Saga, River City Ransom, Psychonauts. Click here for more info. Found at Digg.

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"I've spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what other super-popular RPGs of the SNES era had that The 7th Saga didn't. What I've come up with time after time is that the 7th Saga has just as good graphics, sound, and gameplay as most of its contemporaries."

Wow... this is surprisingly bad writing. "Hours upon hours?" "Time after time?" "Has just as good?" The author should have spent a less time playing video games and more time studying written English.
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It makes me kinda proud to be able to say I've played completely through -- and very much enjoyed -- Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, Beyond Good & Evil, and Psychonauts. Though I can easily see why they were overlooked.

And yeah, I agree with the comments on Planescape. I'd also have to add Dreamfall: The Longest Journey to the list. Its predecessor The Longest Journey was certainly recognized, but Dreamfall was passed over even by many fans of TLJ. It tried to widen its audience with action and stealth elements, but they were terrible. As a result, the game ended up alienating hardcore adventure gamers as well as hardcore action gamers and was left with only a tiny audience. Too bad, because the setting, characters and plot were mind-blowing.
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A Grue Not Here

YES!!! Best RPG plot of all time, including KOTOR 1. That game simply blew me away. No evil empires, no giant epic saving the world crap. Just you, no memory, and a journey to find out who you really are. The Final Boss is can be beaten with a philosophical question for Christ's sake!
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