Archive for April 11th, 2007

The Other Jennifer Jordan.

A mother and daughter who hadn’t spoken to each other in two years have a second chance after reports of Jennifer Jordan’s death turned out to be greatly exagerated. The police notified the parents of Jen...

Beautiful Data.

Liquid Journey has a series of computer generative art called Beautiful Data. Click on the tiny squares at the bottom to see each page. Some are interactive art generators, one of which created this bonsai tree for me....

Kaleidoscopic Maps.

Nikolas Schiller combines geography with art. He takes aerial photographs from the U.S. Geological Survey and transforms them into beautiful kaleidoscopes, quilts, and political statements. This one is named The Je...

Yukipon the cat gets a job.

A video about Yukipon, a big “cat” who gets a job when his owner refuses to feed him. Only in Japan. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]. As seen on Japan Probe....

Top 10 Overlooked Video Games.

Here's a list of the Top 10 overlooked video games, includes The 7th Saga, River City Ransom, Psychonauts. Click here for more info. Found at Digg....

Graham Chapman's Twin?

On the left is Graham Chapman [wiki], so-called "the dead one" from the Monty Pythons [wiki]. On the right is José Luis Gil [wiki], an actor usually dubbing his voice in the Spanish version of films such as Life...

Xia Xiaowan's Artwork.

Check out Chinese artist Xia Xiaowan's 3D artwork made from "slices" of painted glass!Links: Shanghai biennale | Galerie Meile | artnet - via Ponchorama and Pasa la vida...

Darth Vader Popcorn Machine.

TechEBlog has the roundup of the 6 gadgets for Star Wars Geek. I particularly like this one:If the custom designed smoked glass, etched with Darth Vader’s image doesn’t wow you, then the price will. Looks...

JibJab: What We Call The News.

Here's a new clip from JibJab called "What We Call The News." - via Bourbon and Lawndarts...

Antiriddle: the Hardest Riddle on the Net?

The Antiriddle claims to be "The Hardest Riddle on the Net". I can't even get past the first riddle!Link - via

Meth User's Teeth Are Scary!

Zombie teeth? Nope, meth user's teeth.Found at Teacher's Lounge, who has a larger (and therefore scarier) pic: Link...

Donkey Kong Made With Post-It Notes.

The students at UCSC spent about 5 hours and 6,400 Post-It Notes to create this awesome rendition of the retro video game Donkey Kong! Link - via Boing Boing...

In Search of the Self-Righting Shape.

You remember Weebles, the toy that wobbles, but it won’t fall down? Toys of that sort have been around for ages, but there is always some position in which it can get stuck. Mathematicians Gábor Domo...


A £45,000 grand piano was being delivered to the Two Moors Music Festival in Devon when workmen dropped it. Organizers had spent two years raising funds for the piano, which was to be the centerpiece of the festival...

Let me be your Pala-Chan

Not as slick as an iPod but I bet you will find someone you could impress with this awfully cute looking 1GB Mp3 Player. Via Engadget....

Get Out Of My Bed!

Rudy doesn’t like Babe taking over his bed. He’s not shy about showing his feelings. Push play or go to YouTube. -via VideoSift...

Water Found in Extrasolar Planet's Atmosphere.

Evidence of water has been detected for the first time in a planet outside our solar system, an astronomer said on Tuesday, a tantalizing find for scientists eager to know whether life exists beyond Earth. Travis...

No Exit: Nudes Draw the Clothed.

Here's our weekly No Exit collaboration with Andy Singer - remember to check out: No Exit....

Paper Email.

Here's a neat (or useless) idea: a printed paper email! Link - via swissmiss...

Bring Your Own Big Wheel.

Apparently, a couple of days ago on April 8, 2007, there was the 7th Annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel event, where over 100 people converged onto San Francisco's Lombard Street [wiki] (The Crookedest Street in the World)...

Cyborg Chicks.

Leave it to the Japanese to create .. a cyborg chick that looks and feel like the real thing, except you don't have to feed or clean up after them!The palm-sized, fluffy robots, named Yume Hiyoko, or "dream chic...

Wikis of the World.

Since Jimmy Wales created Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia anyone can edit, six years ago, a bunch of "wikis" have sprung up.Mental_floss has the scoop of the various wikis that are out there. For example:W...

Good vs. Evil: The Foosball Table.

NOTCOT has a neat feature of an exclusive by Eleven Forty: a £14,500 foosball table featuring good vs. evil! Link...

Shy Sumatran Striped Rabbit Caught on Film.

The Sumatran striped rabbit is so rare that it has been spotted only three times in the last 35 years!Link...

Mystery of the Ghostly Spiral Arms of a Galaxy is Solved.

Astronomers seem to have answered the long-standing mystery of the two ghostly spiral arms in the galaxy M106: By analyzing data from XMM-Newton, Spitzer, and Chandra, the team in Maryland have confirmed earlier susp...

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