The top ten Worst Chips Ever list was compiled by the
Chief Snacks Officer at, a snack review site. It includes such delicacies as Calbee Seaweed Potato Chips and Cuttlefish Flavored Snack (shown), and links to the site review of each entry. Link -via Mental Floss
i dunno if it's vegan so i haven't had it in a while...but when i'm at the Asia Market next i'm totally looking it up.
/is a round eye.
Better than the stuff we sometimes get in UK pubs, scampi fries for instance.
I think we have ourselves a hillbilly pundit. Someone check their list of world's best chips for possum flavour fries.
These chips are nothing, another popular snack in Korea is peanuts covered in a cuttlefish candy coating. And chocolate covered cheezies. No joke.