Archive for April 8th, 2007

Giant Cadbury Egg.

For those of you who would like a somewhat larger Cadbury Creme Egg, here’s an oldie but goodie: Pimp My Snack’s recipe for making your own giant creme egg at home! Insulin not included. Link...

Botticelli Illustrates Dante.

The scene shown here is Alessandro Botticelli's illustration of Dante's Inferno, Canto XVIII. It is a colored drawing on parchment, 320 x 470 mm, dating from the 1480's and is part of the collection of the Staatliche Mus...

Speaking of Speak...

When we last met Speak (the Hungarian Rapper), he was "speaking" to us about the futility of war. If you missed the post, it's worth checking out. Everywhere I go, people ask me: "Adam... Who is Speak the Hungari...

Scrabble Furniture

At the Bloomberg offices in London, employees can leave each other messages using these Scrabble cushions, designed by Stephen Reed Industrial Design and Alistair Willmott. The end tables serve as double and triple...

Can You Guess the Catchphrase? A Funny Clip.

Here's a particularly, um, hilariously suggestive clip from the UK gameshow "Catchphrase," where the contestants have to guess a phrase suggested by the animation.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via VideoSif...

Indestructible USB Drive.

When the keychain on his USB Drive broke off, instead of throwing it away, Russell Jones saw opportunity to create the indestructible drive by making an aluminum case for it!

Genius in the Subway.

Internationally-known violinist Joshua Bell played busker at a Metro station in Washington, DC during morning rush hour recently. It was an experiment to see if anyone would recognize him, recognize the talent behind t...

The Shrinking Cadbury Egg.

You may have noticed that Cadbury Creme Eggs are a bit smaller this year. The Cadbury website denies it, saying the size of the egg hasn’t changed. But BJ Novak of the TV show The Office appeared on *em...

Comic Books That "Accidentally" Made it Big.

Richard Pulfer of the Comic Book Journal wrote a really nice article about the Top 10 Accidental Comic Book Discoveries. For example:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Unlike Stan Lee or Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Kevin...

Website Dialectizer.

The Dialectizer is a neat website that takes text from a website and "translates" it into various dialects such as Hacker (top one above), Cockney (the one below it), Redneck, Jive, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Mo...

Peep Surgery.

Must ... get ... Peep .. out ... of ... blogging ... system... Ah, what the heck, here's one more Peep fan site about Peep Surgery:One of the great mysteries of the Peep species is that these creatures are always bor...

Peep Haiku.

To help you celebrate Easter, how about some Peep haiku? Ten brown beady eyesIndestructible gazesAwaiting their fate Popular yellowMost chosen of all the peepsLike eating sunshine Ranks of unwrapped...

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