For Sale: The Real Knight Rider Car.

Knight Rider fans rejoice - K.I.T.T, the black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am from the popular TV series, is up for sale. Don't get too excited though, the Dublin, Ireland California based owner is asking $149,995 for the car, and it's not even street legal due to missing exhaust components. Link [Drive]

Short on cash, but still want one? For about $40K you can make your own K.I.T.T car.

HI,,,,????? i want to make the car knight rider ,,--_^^_-- . i am from bangladesh . if u want to chat with me my facebook name is adnan al shafi and email is . to make knight rider car is EASY to make !!!! ???????? ? ? ? ? ?

kindly regard
adnan al shafi

(adnan's knight rider motor )
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