Here's an online gallery of "I'm not a Nazi" Swastika at Heathen World:
The Swastika has been in use by humans since prehistory. The word Swastika has its roots in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, but the actual symbol is older. Swastikas have been found on vases, coins, and other artifacts all over the world. Various cultures that probably didn't communicate used swastikas or similar symbols independent of each other. The Swastika has been a Hindu symbol for thousands of years. ...
The Nazi use of the swastika has stained the symbol's reputation for a long damned time. Hitler's adoption of the swastika is logical when looked at in a historical context.
The gallery is very interesting: - via Happy Ant
Hitler used it because it was some sort of Aryan symbol ( Proto-Indo-Iranians ) and he did it because he had trouble recruiting iranians and indians in his army. It was "Join us or be labeled as ennemy by the rest of the world" but they refused in most part to join anyway.
Today you can see how the media is using this at their advantage and try to associate Iranians and Indians to the Nazi just because of a 3500 years old symbol.
In much the same way that Hitler gave the swastika a tie to Nazi Germany, ill witted rednecks plastering confederate flags all over their kitty killer monster trucks, and running around screaming racist slang gives it another, less truthful meaning.
Just so everyone knows, I'm not racist, I hate all races equally, and to any "pure blood" whites, or blacks, or any other race, I got some sad news...
There 's no such thing as a pure blood line anymore, so your superiority complex has just been cured...,+CA,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=19&ll=32.675996,-117.157551&spn=0.001646,0.00339&t=h&om=1
As stated above, it is an Indo-Aryan, Indo-Iranian or Indo- European symbol of religious and cultural significance. The swastika is deeply embedded in the life of modern India and even though their ancestors once revered this symbol together. The branching out of the Indo -European tribes resulted in the loss of this symbol to those tribes that came to be modern day Europeans. The Indo-Aryans held on to the swastika and is very important in their lives today. The symbol of the swastika is first depicted in the Ukraine as an art form on the ivory of a mammoth where it is carved in the Paleolithic Age 10,000 years ago. It was brought from the steppes of the Ukraine by the Indo-Aryans to India. Before in their migration routes and nomadic life, it played a significant role in sun worhip, religious life, horse sacrifices and on their pottery. Today, this remnant of a past nomadic life still resonates in the daily life of modern day India. The attempt by Blacks and Whites to further distort this religious symbol is illustrated by their false assumption that it originated from Egypt. This is so typical of the mindset when color and race blinds everyone. The swastika is an Indian symbol not an African one.
It is a theory which has Racist/nationalist origins and was heavily promoted by the NAZIS.
Genetically most Indians are the same people and have been for at least 10,000 years.