What appears to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside... The remains were discovered by a local man, who wishes to remain anonymous, while walking his dog along an old Roman road situated between the villages of Duffield and Belper...
The remains, complete with wings, skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine.
It’s obviously a hoax, or not?
Comments (69)
we have had them in the celestial or ethric and held one in or hands but never seen a phyiscal one.... if this is not a animal like a monkey or a bat then that is wonderfull dont you think if they were one time or are real then the psychic spiritual life after death is real too although my fairy god mothers say that we came from the garden of fairy and became incarnated as humans not that fairys are phyical but i hope i am wrong!