The Nightclub Church.

To engage young parishioners, 26-year-old Reverend James Karran of the Ararat Baptist Church in Cardiff, Wales, UK, will hold his sermonds in ... a nightclub!

And his flock will be able to buy alcohol at the bar and listen to live bands as part of the experience.

The 'Solace - church in a bar' nights will be held every Sunday from April.

According to the Ararat Baptist church website, the idea of the services, which is being run by the Baptist Union church branch Solace, is to "make church relevant and accessible to a 21st Century, post-Christendom society".

"Don't expect sermons, hymn singing, pews and pulpits here."

Link - via Arbroath

Oh that is so last year.
I was at my local pub (a common sydney university hangout) where usually there is trivia and people getting their kit off to try and score free jugs of beer and stuff, anyway for about 6 months there was a night when a god botherer used to hold his congregation thingy there like a service or something like bible study.
It was also in the paper.
Thats the thing about the U.K.
they are always trying to be as cool as Australians! :P
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this is disgusting and the statement that he wants to make church more "relevant" for today, the bible is the most up to date book there is,this gives baptists a bad name. salvation through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, that's all the lost need to know, and how to get saved, not what this man is preaching. How many times do you see, be ye therefore not drunk with wine? it is in the bible several times,and it also calls them fools that are drunkards. May the Lord have mercy upon Mr. Karran.
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Finally: Church in The Church of Satan?

This beer drinking reverend is a hack. Give me a break, Church is supposed to be something sacred. If a few stained glass windows and busts of Christ are too much to ask in this "21st century post-Christendom society", then at least hold it somewhere neutral. And by the way, if it really is a 'post-Christendom' society then who the hell cares anyways? Why don't you just meet up once a week on the weekend, get snowed and fornicate like everyone else in the civilized world.

How can you hold Church in a Pub!? I'm not even a practicing Christian and this upsets me a great deal, it upsets the memory in me of my cultural heritage and the moral principles that have guided our civilization for 2000 years. A Pub is a fine place for friends to meet and talk about their religious faith, but just about the worst place possible to meet for Church. Church is something separate, church is something sacred, and if you can't get the kids interested in the real thing, or at least some homogenized unsacrilegious version of it, you should give up.
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1) my local has been the equivalent of my religious shrine for years, decades even
2) you don't want to get in an argument with me about religion once I've started drinking
3) there is no god
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