Kid Wins Big Money with Smelly Shoes.

Smelly shoes? Don't throw 'em away - enter the rotten sneaker contest and win big bucks!

Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck's sneakers are equal opportunity offenders. They smell as bad as they look. Now, the Utah seventh grader is $2,500 richer because of it: On Tuesday, she out-ranked six other children to win the 32nd annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest, stinking up the joint with a pair of well-worn 1 1/2-year-old Nikes so noxious they had the judges wincing.

"I'm so proud of the little stinker," said her mother, Paula Tuck. Ah, the foul smell of success.

Link - via Spluch

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I can't believe anyone would be proud for having stinky shoes. Obviously, when she hits puberty I can highly believe that no guy will ever go near her after finding out about her "stanky" feet.

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